Chapter One

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I stood in front of the small coffee shop, my back leaning up against the cool brick. Straining my eyes, I try to peer into the big storefront window of the record store. Slightly frustrated that I can't see into the shop across the street, I take a couple deep breaths. It's a gloomy day, overcast and damp. The smell of rain hangs thick in the air, though not a drop has yet fallen.

"Over 80 percent of San Francisco's seasonal rain falls between November and March, occurring about 10 days per month", I say aloud, speaking to no one in particular. Checking my watch, I push myself up and off the brick wall, walking back inside the coffee house. The friendly atmosphere and pleasant warmth it has has always been the best part about working at The Steaming Mug. I have only just gotten back behind the register, when she walks in. I feel as if I am in a cliche romance, as I just stand behind the counter staring. She is shaking out her black umbrella, I guess that it's raining now.

I swallow. "Hey, Jamie." Why are you nervous, Alec you do this everyday, it's routine!

Jamie smiles, her perfect teeth showing off to the world. "The usual, I presume?" Nodding her head, I turn around and get together her small black coffee and flaky croissant.

"Are you going to let me pay today? Or am I just going to be shot down?" Jamie pulls out her wallet. Today her nails are polished a dark red color.

"You know it's always on the house for you." Handing over her order, my other hand covers the top of the tip jar. Shaking her head, she chuckles. Her laugh sounds like twinkling bells and when she wags her head, her light chestnut hair comes loose from its braided updo. The small coffee shop is mostly empty, except for a few studying college students. Following Jamie over to a secluded table, my mind wonders over what it would be like if Jamie had gone to college. Would she have stayed in Nebraska with her foster parents and gone to a college there? Or would she have still run away and gone to college here or somewhere else? At nineteen years old, she sure has gone through and done a lot.

"So Alec, your twenty-first birthday is coming up. Any plans?" I push in her chair before sitting down myself. A thought comes to mind at the mention of my birthday, but I block it out, blushing.

"Nope." Sadly, I only have two friends and currently they are both in medical school. It is rare that I get to see them between their constant studying and big exams, but I was still hopeful that they wouldn't forget about the day I was brought into the world. "Beau and Phoebe are super busy lately with medical school. I'll be lucky if they send me a birthday text."

With sad eyes, Jamie rips apart her croissant. "Well, I was thinking that we could go out to dinner? If you would like." Getting up from my seat, I walk around the table and hug her. Breathing in her vanilla scent, I whisper in her ear how much I would appreciate that. "Dinner it is, then."

We sit and talk for twenty more minutes, before her lunch break is over. I grin as I watch her run back across the street. Her umbrella twirling in her hands.


A/N: Hey guys! This is the first story that I have ever posted on Wattpad. Well, the first story I actually published for real on Wattpad, I have tried before but I lost inspiration and gave up before I posted the first chapter. Anyway, I just hope that people enjoy my story, I am not the best writer but I have tried my hardest here for everyone. I will try to post new chapters as often as I can. But sometimes it will take longer because writing doesn't happen in a matter of seconds if you want a good story. So vote, comment, follow. DON'T BE RUDE! And I hope you will love this story as much as I hope you guys will. And one last thing, if you think this was a good chapter, give me your feedback, it is much appreciated, and share this with your friends because I would love that! Thanks!


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