In Sickness and Health: MiChaeng (F/A) *Requested*

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Overprotective! Mina and Sick! Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung pressed her forehead against the ice-cold van window, trying to alleviate the burning sensation throbbing in her head.

Chaeyoung had been quietly fighting a fever all day, one that had abruptly hit her last night, most likely due to the exhaustion of late-night schedules and stress for the group's upcoming full album.

She was hoping to find some cold and flu medicine in the cabinet before leaving the dorm, but Momo had walked in to get some Advil, forcing Chaeyoung to come out empty-handed to not raise suspicion or panic amongst the other members. Once one person knew, it wouldn't take long for everyone to find out; and then she would have even bigger things to deal with.

There were a few close calls throughout their interview with Elle, as well as multiple errors during lunch.

Thankfully her group mates had been too busy eating to notice her three trips to the bathroom to throw up Jihyo's special pancakes from breakfast. She had also successfully managed to avoid her girlfriend Mina, who was usually attached to her hip during difficult schedules. Chaeyoung felt horrible for ignoring her girlfriend, but Mina could see through her like she was made of glass; so ignoring her was necessary...for now.

The rapper seemed to be lost in her thoughts until a soft hand gently tugged on her jacket.

"Chaeng?" Jihyo called, swinging her duffel over her shoulder. "We're here."

The younger girl nodded, swallowing a cough instead of speaking.

"Chaeng? Are you ok? You've been unusually quiet today." Jihyo observed, giving Chaeyoung a small once-over with her eyes.

"I'm fine unnie, just have a bit of a headache," Chaeyoung replied, massaging her temples with the pads of her thumbs.

"Oh! Why didn't you say something?" Jihyo exclaimed, fishing a pill bottle out of her bag. Jihyo was one of those people who carried everything with her for any situation. Sore throat? A handful of cough drops would be given to you in minutes. Hair tie? There were multiples on her wrist. Extra pads or tampons? A whole discreet bag filled with them could be found in her duffel, you just had to ask. Yep, Jihyo was prepared for anything and everything.

She unscrewed the cap and dropped two of them into Chaeyoung's cupped hands. "Here, hopefully, this will help."

Chaeyoung smiled gratefully, popping the pills in her mouth. "Thank you unnie."


Mina observed her girlfriend, did I do something wrong?

Chaeyoung was dropping her bag onto the floor, looking rather uninterested as Dahyun continued to talk her ear off about the latest line of new chocolates released by a candy store down the street from their dorm.

To say Mina was confused was an understatement. The first red flag happened this morning, she didn't wake up next to Chaeyoung. Mina found the younger woman in her own bed. The second red flag took place during their interview with Elle. Chaeyoung asked about the seating arrangements, and when she found out that she was seated next to Mina, she asked to sit next to Tzuyu. Tzuyu! Instead of her girlfriend! And finally the van situation. Chaeyoung usually followed Mina into whatever van she picked, but she made direct eye contact with her...and chose the opposite van.

Mina felt like jumping off the nearest bridge when Chaeyoung did that. If Chaeyoung doesn't want to be bothered, fine. I'll leave her alone...but I'm getting to the bottom of this later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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