Archangel: Hey Angel

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The floral entities wrapped around Michael's finger as the bounce of each leaf sprung back and forth. His long scrawny fingers danced with each living plant, and they danced back, in reciprocation. 

A smile broke on the petite angel's face, his heart beating faster at the current moment. One of his main specialties was the use and power of healing on humans, plants, and animals. Any living thing.

His heart almost immediately broke when he spotted a lifeless flower lying among the dancing lilies.

"Oh, sweet lily. There's no time for sleep when you could be dancing." Placing his hand underneath the grey-shaded plant, he closed his eyes and felt a wave of energy flush from inside him and into the once-lifeless lily.

"There we are. So beautiful." He spoke aloud to the now living, flourishing, and dancing flower. He picked up his rose-colored cloths and joined the plants in a mesmerizing dance.

"Hey Angel, you should be training with your brothers." Suddenly in the middle of his 'feminine twirling', as his younger brothers call it, Raphael comes up to him, stomping on the inflorescences.

"Raphael, you're always ruining the fun. Get off these people." Looking at the brothers physically, it would be almost impossible to see Michael as the eldest among his 4 other brothers. Raphael, Uriel, Azrael, and Raziel were all larger, faster, and obviously trained more than Michael.

"Fun? There isn't any time for fun brother. Lucifer and his demons are pushing war on the angels once again." Raphael groaned and ran his stealthy fingers through his lengthy brown loose curls. Azrael and Raziel have such luminous blonde locs, resembling that of the Goddess while Raphael, Uriel, and Michael have different styles of curls and wavy patterns of brown hair similar to God himself.

"Lucifer attempts to take down the angels since the beginning of AD (Anno Domini: "in the year of the Lord.") and has failed ever since." Michael giggled, walking up to his younger brother and braiding his hair into a neat fish braid. He barely reached past his brother's shoulder, so he hopped on his tiptoes to start the braid.

"You're too soft Michael, you can't always play with these, these insignificant things." He pointed to the flowing plants on the ground and then looked back at his older brother with softened eyes. A small smile pinched at the corner of his lips when Michael flushed and looked away. He was embarrassed.

"War comes with casualties and I don't want you to be a part of that. As an Archangel, you need to be ready to fight against Satan himself." Michael rolled his eyes and sat down, laying his back on the ground away from the flowers and looking up at the skies of heaven.

"I can protect myself, brother. You don't have to worry about me. I am older than you, I should be watching your back." Raphael came down next to Michael and lay beside him. Hearing the sound of his other brothers coming back from training, Azrael, Uriel, and Raziel lay down beside their siblings as well.

"Brothers. What is it that we're doing here? Father is most likely going to call for a meeting about this war with Lucifer." Azrael spoke out after lying and conversing with his other brothers.

The five were the first and only children of God and his Goddess. They were the protectors, watchers, and saviors of the Heavens while their parents maintained what happens down on Earth.

"We should be on our way, oops. I think I have crushed your friend here Michael, apologies brother." Michael rushed over after hearing the horrid news and instantly used his White Light to bring the lily back. An immediate feeling of relief passed through after the lily started dancing among its other flowers.


Their wings extend from their backs, stretching and popping out before lifting their feet off the ground. In a V formation, the Archangels flew towards the main castle. Taking his brothers, the elder angel, Michael, led the others as they flew to their father. 

The house of God and his Goddess is also where the 5 brothers lived or passed their time since they were consistently training, fending off Lucifer's demons by Heaven's cracked Gates, and protecting the souls of humans who have entered this heavenly space.

"My sons. Truly Archangels. How was sparring?" Sitting down at the highest peak of the castle, the tallest point of Heaven, was their father, the almighty, God. Of course, beside him was his leading lady. Goddess.

"Children, you're looking well." Bowing towards their parents and then standing back up, the brothers all spoke at once about Lucifer, demons, and this upcoming war he's thrust at them. Michael stood aside, quiet, watching his brothers spew nonsense... as that's what it was to him. 

"At once, please," God demanded after his sons opened their mouths and released hell. Almost literally.

"Father, there was word again that Lucifer was attempting to break through the gates and claim something that he said that "belongs " to him. We have no recollection of any of his property here but they're almost at to the souls." Raphael spoke loudly and confidently. Even though he's only the second eldest, he acts as if he was born first. Always in the lead and reasoned with a sense of dominance over his siblings and other angels that were beneath him.

Looking at his everlasting wife, back down to his sons, he stood up from his throne and started to descend. "Lucifer mmh. Again? You handle this before he reaches the gates or even enters Heaven. If you want, Raphael, you may lead your brothers to the mountains and attain the demons there and away from the dense human souls we have here."

"Yes. Thank you, father. Great seeing you as well, Mother." Goddess elegantly flew down from her throne and landed in front of her sons. Placing a kiss on all of their foreheads, proceeded a bit longer with Michael, she glanced lovingly at all of them. 

Proud of who they've become. Her sons were her ultimate pride and joy. Being with the almighty God came after that.

"My sons. Take this journey as a learning lesson. Know that I do everything for a reason. Be safe and beware. Trust is earned not given." Backing away from the Archangels, she stood aside with her husband, watching as their sons took off and away from the castle. 

Bestowing their presence in the V formation once again, Goddess placed her smaller divine hand inside those of the large palm of God.

"Will this be it? Is this going to start it?" Goddess questioned her heavenly partner when the sounds of wings flapping were far enough from the large opening in the castle. God, gently, held her by the waist and pulled her close to his warmth. 

Tucking the blonde curl behind her small ear, he leaned down, placing a tender on her cheek.

"It will be dear. This time I have no issue with what's going to come, I know the same for our sons. We just have to let them follow their own path as I've already written the story."


Authors Note:


Anygay... I hope you guys enjoyed this different type of storyline & character/story plot. I can tell this is going to be super fun to write and I hope it's just the same to read.

See you at the next one 🙃

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