Archangel: Only Angel

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Gearing up in armor, Michael's brothers aided one another in their uniforms as they prepared for battle. Michael had already gotten reprimanded by Raphael twice in the last 5 minutes for even touching chest gear or even a spear. He may be small in figure but what he lacks in physical strength makes up in his limitless power and abilities. 

He'd hoped his brothers would know that he could use his abilities in times of war. He just wanted to be the elder sibling that everyone expected him to be, regardless of what he may appear as.

"Michael, dear brother. Why must you disobey me?" He hung his head low when his younger brother got upset with him. It wasn't that he did it on purpose, he just wanted to do something, to do something with purpose.

"Raphael, please. I can fight, I can do this. Let me join you!" Michael begged of him. Praying to his father's name, something in him changed.

"If I allow you passage to fly down with us towards Hell, you have to be ready for... Hell." He cursed and clouds began to appear in the midst of the sunny skies. The grey skies summoned the rumbling sounds of thunder to follow through as the words of Raphael called onto them.

"Raphael! You know what that does when you curse in your father's home. The disrespect." Azrael rebuked his elder brother. The clouds began to disappear once Raphael apologized to his sibling following his father's name.

"You will stay by my side and fight beside me. When you're in need," Raphael suddenly stopped when Michael cocked an eyebrow at him.

"If you need help, call my name. Don't lose sight of me, Michael and Uriel, for our father's sake, put your brother down." The dominance oozed out of Raphael, especially when he had to chastise his siblings for horseplaying, arguing, and fighting. All the others knew how Raphael dearly cared and was overprotective of Michael but never thought anything more of their brotherly love and relationship.

Setting Michael down on his two feet, Raphael chuckled and helped his brother find armor small enough to fit over Michael's undersized body. "Try this on for size, pipsqueak." He learned that from the humans.

Blasting his brother with the power from his hands, Raphael's body flew from across the armory and into the rest of his siblings. Michael laughed when he recalled the time the boys went down to Earth and destroyed a bowling alley due to their inhumane usage of their powers.

"S-Save that, for Lucifer M-Michael." Raphael tried to speak once he stood up on wobbly legs. Looking down at his hands, the flare beginning to fade, Michael hadn't used his powers at a nearly full capacity in decades, yet this minimum amount felt good. The adrenaline rushed to his body, settling in his mind further into readiness for the war that was coming to their front doors.

"Try and keep up." Wings popping out of his back, Michael took flight to the sky and disappeared into the overcast. Smirking, Raphael stretched out his wings in followsuit of his older brother. On calling the others, the brothers acted in accordance with Raphael. Soon his brothers took off and were right behind him in their signature V-formation of flight.

It did not take long before all 5 of them stood by the mountains, their backs facing the infamous gates of heaven. Raphael, the first to step in and take action, quickly got into a battle and used his sword that his father gifted him eons ago and annihilated the first of the many demons. "Brothers. March forward and defend the land. Harm no human soul, take down demons. Leave Lucifer for me."

A natural Leader.

The scene was fanatical. The angles were moving at a speed no mere human could see with their naked eye neither a normal soul from beyond the heaven gates. More and more demons suddenly began appearing from the depths of hell, angels flying above, and the souls of the heavenly humans screaming and running from terror. Running into action with the rest of his brothers, Michael stood face to face with 2 demons before that number jumped to 10.

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