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The day has gone by really fast. First I had been with Jodie, he'd taken me to the mall and even bought me one of those stuffed animals from Build-a-Bear. I got a stuffed elephant that is wearing a band t-shirt and I named her Stormy. Jodie even put one of those hearts in her that has a recorded message. He told me that I could only listen to it when I felt alone and needed support, so I have yet to actually listen to the message. 

The second person I was with was Jagger. He took me to the movie theater and let me choose what movie we would watch. He figured I was going to pick either a super girly movie or a horror movie. I surprised him by picking a Marvel one. We ended up watching Avengers Age of Ultron. We had both really enjoyed the movie but if they had just let Pietro live I would have loved it. I mean come on! We barely got to see anything with him, he saved Clint's life, and he was repaid by being killed and left dead? Not cool. Not cool at all. 

After that, I spent some time with Jamie. We didn't leave the apartment to do anything, we just went in his room and he read me his favorite book. Without really noticing it, I had moved from sitting awkwardly beside him to having my head in his lap while he played with my hair and read aloud. His voice is really soothing and mixed with the feeling of his fingers in my hair, I feel way more relaxed than I ever have before. 

"Kit," he calls softly. I hum in response and he chuckles lightly. 

"It's Jules's turn with you. We can finish this book after you two get back, deal?" He asks. I crack my eyes open with a sigh. 

"It's a really good book," I whine. 

"We have a reservation to get to in thirty minutes. We need to leave in the next ten if you want to get there on time," I hear Jules say from the door. 

"You haven't even told me what the reservation is for," I mumble as I turn to look at him. He chuckles slightly. 

"It wouldn't be a very good surprise if I told you where we were going. Jamie said you could finish the book when we get back, so come on. We don't want to be late." He says. I nod before rolling off of Jamie's lap, landing on the floor with a thump. 

"I did not think that through," I groan. The boys laugh at my predicament before Jules helps me stand. 

"I really should not have done that, my toe hurts now," I grumble. 

"I can fix that," Jules says before lifting me into his arms bridal style. I giggle as I hold onto his shirt with both hands. 

"Don't drop me!" I laugh. It takes me a moment before I realize all the boys are in the room and they are all staring at me. 

"What?" I ask softly, the smile slipping from my face. 

"It's nothing bad Kit. You've just never laughed before," Jodie says with a small smile. I blush and look down, my hair blocking my face. Within seconds a hand is tipping my chin up and removing the hair from my face. 

"Don't hide from us, sweetheart. Your blush is just as beautiful as the rest of you," Jagger says softly. I nod before the boys move, remembering that Jules and I have a reservation somewhere.

"Have fun!" Jamie calls behind us as the door shuts. Jules sets me in the passenger side of his vehicle and even buckles me in before getting in the driver's side. He turns some music on for background noise as he drives, knowing I don't like silent car rides. We drive for about fifteen minutes before stopping in front of a building I've only ever dreamed of stepping inside. 

"No way!" I whisper shout. 

"Yes way," He replies. 

"You got us a reservation at the Planetarium? How did you know that I've been wanting to go here?" I ask. 

"Any time we've gone near it, you're always staring at it as if you'd never get to go inside of one. So I decided to bring you here. We have the entire place to ourselves for the night. Nobody will bother us," He smiles. I lean over the console and give him a hug. 

"Thank you," I whisper. He only nods before we both get out and go inside the building. 

"I'm sorry, but the entire place has been reserved," A secretary says while looking me up and down. 

"It's a good thing I was the one who reserved it then," Jules states coldly, showing her our reservation. She stammers and looks away before just pointing us in the direction we need to go. Jules wraps an arm around my waist and leads me into the dome where you can see all the stars. I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life. There's even a telescope where I can see all the different constellations. 

We looked at all the different stars for hours until I was practically dead on my feet and Jules lifted me up again. 

"The boys were wanting me to ask tonight for all of us so you wouldn't be as overwhelmed as you would be if we were all there... Would you like to join us? To be a part of our relationship?" He asks quietly. 

"I think that's exactly what I want. What I need." I mumble back sleepily. He presses a kiss to my forehead and for the first time, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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