Chapter 1. Memory

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A girl walked through the scale
of the forest as moon light
illuminated the forest. She carefully sat down and picked up a lotus from the water.

"A new one?"

She examined the lotus left to right

She slightly hummed as she gently laid the lotus back to the water

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She slightly hummed as she gently laid the lotus back to the water.

In the water you could perfectly see her reflection.

Long black hair, pink eyelashes with ocean-baby blue eyes and a criminal tattoo in her neck and her wrist.

She looked at her reflection in the water for few minutes, until she saw a large shadowry figure.

She immediately pulled her guard up and looked at the shadow while keeping a distance from the shadow

"Show yourself"

She said in a forceful tone

"My~ my~ what a beautiful woman like you are doing out here?~....especially, all alone in this forest...~"

A tall man with long blonde broom-stick shaped hair with
rainbow eyes came out of the dark.
He wore a turtle neck red shirt
which neatly, outlined his muscular
Body. He also wore a cream coloured pants and fanned himself with a fan which seemed to be made of gold.

*What a weirdo*

She thought.

"Oh!~ by the way~ my name's douma, how about you? Pretty lady~"

"It's hakuji"

Red flags. Should have seen that from the start. -from hakuji


Okay so this chapter is like basically the memory part of hakuji's memories. You might receive them inn rare occasions.

But other than that I have released this chapter! I'm working on the rest. Maybe I should have just start like with one book cause now I have to worry about the others 😃

Other than that thank you for reading this!

Have a nice morning 🌄/ afternoon 🌅/ night 🌃

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