|chapter 2 It Start|

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⚠️swearing, a little bit of August and self-harm sumt maybe???? ⚠️

POV: George

Text: Hey Clay what are you doing? I ask but his last message was "Who the fuck are you texting my boyfriend slut" The message was sent so George didn't answer George put his phone away when to the bathroom and look in the minor and see a blade George think of a bit and starts to cut when he heard his phone go off and to answer but it Clay so George doesn't answer it and back to the bathroom to continue to self-harm. George starts to cry because of the message. Then after he is done self-harming he cleans up and goes to bed crying.

POV: Dream/clay

"pick up pick up please," I said worried and scared but George didn't answer him. I go to my girlfriend Lilly "You little bitch why did you go on my phone while I was in the shower and send a message to George he didn't do anything wrong! I said pissed and annoyed with her "Wait it was a male you were texting....?" Lilly said bad and stupid for writing message "Clay...I didn't...know I thought it was a female you were cheating on me...." Lilly said with a sorry voice and went to hug Dream. But I pushed her away "We over get the fuck out of my house you fucking cheating and you think I didn't know you being sleeping with other men when I out fucking whore get out," I  said this and get her stuff and kick out go to message George text: George.. I'm sorry I was in the shower and my cheating girlfriend got on my phone while I was in the shower I'm so sorry.

POV: George

I look at the message feeling stupid for what he did. I knew I couldn't tell him what he did bc he just met the guy a few days ago text: it's fine I guess... I type. Text: George no it's not I should have turned off my phone when I was in the shower I was stupid I'm sorry dream sends. I look at the message Dream sent and smile but still feel bad for what I did to myself   text: Clay....why do you care about me so much you just met me a few days ago I say to him wanting to know why text: because you...you special to me like I know you but I'm don't know where.... clay says and my heart go up in flame 

POV: Dream/Clay

"fuck why did a say at i just met him fuck fuck fuck....my heart beating so fast" i look down and i got a boner and it leaking pre-cum "i need to stoke it so badly" i say at looking for anyone but thanking here no one so i put my hand in my pants and start to stoke my member "ahh....~ yes...~ i wish George was here riding me if his ass...~ wait...what im saying im not gay..." i pull my hand out of my pants and just go to bed but all night i dreamed about George riding me but why.


Im was slowly drying from writing at but who care i just doing this bc im bored well i hope you like it it ubut bye!!!

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