Chapter 8 "The Day I was Reborn"

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I go inside my apartment, lock the door and go stand at the window I watch you from.

Reuben, Reuben, Reuben... How dare he touch you... How dare he place his dirty fucking hands on you! What would he want with you? What could he possibly want from you? A human—a little fragile human. My little fragile human.

When I saw him come into that diner, I was infuriated and... afraid, for once in quite a long time. A certain fury came over me, a sort of instinct urging me to unleash my true self. I wanted to block his vision, shred his skin off and burn him alive. Tearing him limb from limb would be too quick and easy. I wanted to make him suffer the worst pain imaginable because he's a threat to you and I. Though, it wouldn't kill him... It annoys the shit out of me that there's hardly anything I can do to stop him! There has to be a way!

Jack isn't here now. He would know something. Something. He hasn't been here since the 70's. Reuben took him away from me those many years ago. I remember when he warned Jack the first time... about me. What a nuisance I would become.


It was on my first day of training in Jack's basement. He had three people come in to be seen. The guests were always told to wait in the living room while we tended to the patients in the basement.
The first time, he wanted me to stand back and only observe. Each instrument he picked up, he named off to me before using it. He was quite skilled at his job. Most of the time, the patient would only look into his eyes in some sort of trance as he carefully made incisions to cut out two small tumors in their left arm. They didn't seem to be in any pain at all, and there wasn't as much blood as I thought there would be. The whole event seemed sort of off to me.

When he was done with the procedure, he smiled and they immediately smiled back at him like he was some kind of angel. I felt the same exact way when I met him. It was strange, and fascinating.

After that patient, about three hours later a woman rushed her husband to the house to get an immediate surgery done; he had a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Jack told me to hurry up to the table with him. I was nervous. I thought I would make a mistake and kill this person. But then, that brought me back to what happened in the shed earlier—I right out fantasized about killing my family and massaging myself with their blood. He saw how I briefly stared off into space before quickly returning to him. He smirked but didn't say a word. I wondered if he knew I had a secret I wasn't really proud of.

I stood between him and the cart with surgical instruments spread out on a towel. The patient was screaming as Jack retrieved the bullet, but yet again, as soon as the patient made eye contact with him, his suffering seemed to slow down to almost nothing. I didn't understand that one bit. Even his rapid blood flow was slowing down. Jack really was a miracle.

He finished the surgery, cleaned the wound and sewed him back up, then he cleaned the area again. We helped the man to his feet and it was like he never had an injury. He could stand and walk just fine—he didn't have any pain at all. Once they paid for the surgery, Jack told me to help him and his wife back to their horse—drawn carriage. I had so many questions, but at the same time, I was speechless.

As I walked the couple back to the carriage, the wife was asking me all sorts of questions about the surgery and repeatedly thanking me for the 'remarkable service' we provided. I don't remember what all she asked me or how I answered. The whole thing was just annoying. I hardly paid attention to her as I watched how the man was behaving. I just couldn't put together how fast and perfectly everything happened in the basement. I didn't know much at all about anatomy but common sense told me that surgery wouldn't have gone so well. He could have possibly died.

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