Thirty-Four - Tati

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Bright blue skies and tall pine trees greeted them as they breached the exterior doors. An object flying in the distance caught Tati's eye. It was too far away from her to see, but it was a helicopter.

"I can't believe it." Tati breathes out. Shouldering Zeus a little better, feeling as if every second he was slipping from her grip.

No wonder K9 couldn't locate Webb's base of operation. It wasn't on Wolfeen; it wasn't even in the Luna Centra galaxy. "We're on Earth."

All the time she spent on Wolfeen and then meeting the K9 time. Tati never thought she would see her home planet again. She should have been elated—but wasn't. Sure, she was happy. Tati never imagined being on Earth again. She'd given up all hope of ever seeing this world, but it wasn't home anymore.

Her home was wherever Zeus was, and for him, was Wolfeen. He would not fit in on Earth. Humans were not ready. Most people accepted there might be a possibility of aliens. That there were beings of superior intelligence in the heavens.

"Tati, we need to leave. Who knows what Webb will do when she discovers we've escaped? The Raptodon battleship is coming for us," Samfred's voice whispered through her mind.

Through their shared thoughts, Tati knew Samfred had sent out a locator beacon for the team to find them. She didn't know how long it would take them to arrive, but hanging around Webb's base wasn't a possibility. Tati refused to go back inside and be a prisoner, even if Samfred hadn't already set up explosive devices.

The exit they came through appeared to be a parking area was out of the way for prying eyes. Some vehicles were civilian—at least it looked like it. Spotting the largest vehicle, an Escalade, Tati pointed.

"That one. It's big enough for all of us." She told them, helping Zeus toward the big SUV.

Zeus was healing, and that alleviated some of Tati's fears for his health. He was still having a hard time holding his own head up as they piled into the vehicle. The guard stepped back, staring at them. Tati checked for keys until her eyes lit on the push-to-start button and a key fob fell into her lap from the visor.

"Oh, thank God." she breathed out before glancing around to make sure everyone was in the car. Tati put her foot on the brake and pressed the button.

For Tati, she didn't care what anyone else's opinion was. This was a luxury vehicle to her that purred when the ignition button was pressed.

Tati put it in reverse. Rocks flew as the exterior door swung open and four guards spilled out and fired at them.

Bullets pinged and sailed over the car as she swung around and hit the gas. Speeding down the dirt road away from Webb's base.

The mountain road twisted as the Escalade flew down its rocky terrain. Guards chasing after them, two cars hot on their tail as a jet takes to the skies over them. Tati's eyes flick up to the blue heavens for a moment before flicking back to the road ahead. One false turn and the vehicle will go sliding down the mountainside and they're so close to escaping.

Beside her in the passenger seat, Samfred looks strained. The guards in the vehicle behind them are still firing at them. One Wolfeen man hanging from the window of the passenger side with his gun leveled on their vehicle. But none of the bullets seem to hit their mark.

Another object flies over their vehicle. This one Tati has only ever seen in science fiction movies. It's an actual flying saucer, and it's firing at them.

Samfred flinches in his seat. Somehow, he is holding them off, causing their bullets or lasers or whatever to miss them.

The road heaved as a loud boom echoes from behind them. Tati knew one of Samfred's bombs had gone off. Tabetha screamed in surprise from the backseat. She grabbed the center console for balance as rocks tumble from the mountainside.

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