Chapter 3 *Edited*

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Dib, Zim, Tak, and Gaz watched the television in shock, witnessing the Martians obliterate every single human being there.

"This is bullshit! It shouldn't have happened!" Dib said, in a panic.

"It doesn't make any sense. Why would they attack your Earth monkey race? If they said they came in peace, Zim thinks this is some kind of mind game they're playing!" Zim said, putting his arm around Gaz.

They continued to watch the carnage on television until it went into standby mode.

Back at the White House...

The president stood up from his chair in shock. His wife couldn't believe what just happened; she sat there frozen.

"Holy mother of God, did you see that?" the president said, pointing his hand up at the TV.

"Let's throw everything we've got at these assholes, sir," the general said.

As the president was about to respond, Professor Membrane chimed in.

"No, Mr. President. I know this seems terrible, but let's not be too rash."

"Nuke them now, sir!" the general demanded of the president.

"We must establish a line of communication first; it's the scientific way," Professor Membrane said.

The president looked back and forth at the general and Professor Membrane, unsure of what to do. Then he turned to his wife and asked her, "What do you think, honey?"

"Kick the crap out of them," his wife replied.

The general pointed his finger at her, then looked at the president with a 'your wife even agrees with me' type of look.

At night, Professor Membrane set up a communication microphone, lending it to the president who had his paper to read the misunderstanding note.

"This is the President of the United States issuing a formal apology. We understand it was a cultural misunderstanding, and we don't mean any harm."

Back in space...

Inside the UFO, the Martians were doing something completely different. One of them was by the messaging and receiving machine, while another was taking a nap until they received a notification. Startled, the Martian sat up and read the message from Earth. As it walked around, other Martians were experimenting on different Earth specimens. Eventually, the Martian came up to the ambassador in the red cape.

"Ack ack," it said, giving the message to the Martian ambassador and walking away, returning to its position.

The ambassador examined the message. As it was reading, a blue cape Martian came up from behind it.

"Ack ack," the blue cape Martian said, looking at the message. After a few seconds, they began to laugh and threw away the message that the president sent. The Martian leader thought it was idiotic for them to think they're peaceful beings when they're not, so they began to write their message back to Earth.

Back at the Membrane house...

Dib, Tak, Zim, and Gaz were sitting at the kitchen table, debating on what to do. Dib had never seen extraterrestrials be so hostile towards Earth, except for Zim for a little while. What disturbed him the most was their appearance; they were gross-looking. Zim wanted nothing more than to destroy them, maybe even take over their Homeworld, feeling like his invader self. Tak was being supportive of Dib, wanting to help him defend his home world, while Gaz was indifferent. They left Gir at Zim's house, not wanting to bring him to the Membrane house to cause a ruckus.

"I really hope my dad's gonna be okay from this. I'm just worried he'll get captured by one of those things," Dib said, worriedly, putting both of his hands behind his head, as Tak gently rubbed his back to comfort him.

"How about we just go watch TV or something to clear our minds," Gaz suggested, still playing her game.

The three agreed with Gaz's suggestion and headed to the couch to decompress. Tak was on Dib's chest cuddling up to him, as Gaz did the same. They were watching the movie "Paul." There wasn't much to offer from the movie, but it all started off with a friendly alien. During the movie, Dib said, "Why can't all Martians be like Paul?" After watching the rest of the movie, it became nighttime. Zim and Gaz left to go back home, while Dib and Tak went upstairs to his room to sleep for the night. When it was just the two of them in bed, Tak was on his chest out of disguise, laying her head on his chest. He could hear his heart beating faster. She quickly lifted her head up and said to Dib, who was staring into space at the ceiling.

"Stop worrying so much. Relax. I'm not gonna let those Martians take you away from me," Tak said, leaning her head to give him a small kiss. She then heard his heart slowly decreasing from a rapid rate to a calmer rate. She put her claw by his hair, stroking them to make him feel more relaxed.

"You are my human. I even put a marking on you to make sure everyone knows that you are mine," she whispered into his ear, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, Tak. That makes me feel so much reassured. What you said to me, I love you," Dib said, turning his head to look at her beautiful purple bug-like eyes, giving her a kiss on the cheek. The two finally went back to sleep, cuddling up to each other, preparing for the next day, which could possibly be more devastating than today.

The next day...

Dib and Tak woke up, beginning their day. They went downstairs to make breakfast and coffee. As they did that, they went to the couch to turn on the TV.

"Another special report," the anchor person said as it switched cameras to the news helicopter, showing a lot of people by the capital spectating for the UFO to land at the grasslands. Police officers were guarding the citizens. One of them was holding up a sign that said 'no applause' and 'no birds.' Behind the citizens were the military, a few rows of tanks, and soldiers in case something went wrong. Dib and Tak's mouths were agape. The President of the United States must be so idiotic to forgive them again.

"How can they trust them again!?" Dib shouted in confusion.

"I hate to tell you this, Dib. Your people are just too retarded, except you and your sister. But like I said, after last night, I won't let those Martians take you away from me. They would have to get through me first," Tak swore, crossing her squigglyspooge to him. She wrapped her arms around him, gently caressing his head.

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