Summer Times

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Belly's POV

I can't even believe. I am pregnant. With our baby. Conrad and I plan on having 2 kids, and we are gonna be settled.

"Belly!" Conrad yells from down stairs. "You have an ultrasound today! Get up."

I was up in fact but not out of bed.I got up heaving myself and came downstairs. We were low on groceries. I decided to just pop some cereal into the bowl. But before that I threw my arms around Conrad and hugged him. He returned the hug and kissed me.

"Good morning beautiful" he said with a smile on his face.

"Good morning handsome!" I said happily. 

I kissed him nice and slow. I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I squealed a little and Conrad pulled back laughing. 

I ate my cereal with ease and decided to buy on Amazon. I mean a pregnant woman has to make some money while she can right? 

Then a thought crossed my mind. How were we going to tell the others? I decided that I was going to confront Conrad once he is done surfing outside. My surfer boy. He will know what to do right? I hope nobody gets mad though. It's not like were too young right? 

I put it off thought for a while and check out my Amazon cart. I was shocked to see the price 200$ for beads and charms? Wow i'm sure he won't mind. Wow. There will be a lot of things to tell him once he comes back. 

I clicked Buy Now. Lets hope my new items go viral. Conrad does most of the work here but way more than enough to make ends meet. But for me however I can manage 1,000$ a month tops. I hope it is enough. Enough for him. At least.

 A few hours later Conrad sees me crying. He doesn't notice it right away but when he does he runs to me and hugs me in his arms. He brushes the tears gently away with his tender fingers like he has done this a million times before , or he has probably have. 

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asks, frowning at me. 

I retaliate back a sob and say" Its about the baby...." I drift off into the distance...." What if I am not enough for you?" 

He is about to open his mouth to say something but I butt in. 

"What-what if the others don't accept us" I burrow into his comforting chest a little bit more sobbing heavily. 

"Belly we are going to be okay.I will take time off of work if we have too. Always have this in your mind: I love you." 

I smile at him and I kiss him softly then let go. I fall asleep in his arms. His safe arms. 


I yank up and find myself in bed. I love Conrad. I put on comfortable clothes and he is already changed. I head downstairs and grab the car keys. 

"It's about time you got ready "he said with a smile spread on his face.

I grabbed his hand dragged him to the car. He offered to drive and let him. He was so sweet. He opened the car door for me and kissed me. 

On the way to the doctor's office we intertwined hands the whole time. I turned on the radio. It was playing Invisible String by Taylor Swift. I realized this song defined our whole relationship. I looked over at Conrad and saw him humming and tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat. 

We checked into the hospital and got a room. The doctor to my extreme surprise was Ashley, Jeremiah's hook up! She was very pretty and to my surprise Conrad paid no attention to her- and I'm not complaining.

Conrad rubbed the cream and monitor over my growing belly. Yes my belly. The baby appears on the screen above me. We're going to have a baby boy.

Ashley congratulated us on this occasion and asked how Jere was doing. We tell her he has been doing great! And we wish her the best of luck with her job.

On the way home I am filled with disbelief and at the same time pure joy. Conrad pulls me in and kisses me. And like the way we rode here, we intertwined on the ride home. 

"I forgot to mention something to you Connie." I said forgetfully

"I spent 200$ on Amazon for my shop on Etsy."

And too my surprise he wasn't that shocked. He got the bill earlier on his phone and didn't say anything because I was crying.

"Its okay Bells. I hope you make the best of money."

I pecked him on the cheek as I exited the car. We unpacked. It had been a long day.

I was putting together some necklaces when I got interrupted by Conrad.

"Say we make some baby names for our boy? Not to mention the planning and room design we have to do." 

"Sure" I replied "I'll meet you at the kitchen island in 10 I have to finish this."

I still had to take in all of this. As soon as he left I sighed and a tear came down. This was a lot to take in. 

I came down ten minutes later to find him brainstorming. He looks so handsome when he is doing something he enjoys.

I look at the list he hands me with a smile. He has a crib, shelf, baby bottles, toys, and clothes he ordered online. He always tends to surprise me.  I take a good look at the baby names list. But there were only 2 names Matt and Henry. I decided to brainstorm more so we got to work we added more names like Adam and Joseph. 

It was around 2 am when we were done shopping and writing. And we went to sleep. Conrad's bare back was to me and I massaged it. Then he put his arm around me and cuddled me close. 

It was 6 am when I woke up to a startling noise. It was Conrad screaming. He was having a panic attack. His phone was on the ground with a new crack I noticed. I ran up to him and begged him to tell what was wrong. I made him to a breathing method to calm him down. It finally worked. I set him down on the couch.

"Do you want to talk about it now or later." I said as I hoped it would be now because if he were to act like his it must be urgent. 

"I-i my Dad- Adam.." he continued," he got into a car accident on his way here ... he is in a serious coma." 

I immediately understood how much pain this would have for him. I let his head lay in my lap and I kissed him softly but sloppily from his tears. 

We are going to visit him tomorrow.

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