letting the world know

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september 7, thursday, 2017
magdalena's pov

finished with my homework it's around 7pm and brendon and i are getting ready to make dinner. bogart and frankie are outside laying in the grass so we won't have to deal with the dogs jumping on our legs while we make our meal.

i go into the living room quick to put 'the stranger' by billy joel on the record player. i put the needle down and 'movin' out' starts playing.

i go back into the kitchen and the two of us start needing the dough out. brendon got three of the dough packages because obviously sarah needs to eat. "good idea on pizza, doll." brendon nods to the music and i smile.

i push the dough out enough, but not too much because i want it to be fluffy, on the pan and grab the tomato sauce and spoon beginning to spread it around on mine and sarah's.

"toppings?" brendon goes over to the fridge and i put sauce on the dough he did as well, "well obviously cheese, pepperoni, and do we still have that pineapple that we cut up the other day?" i ask "please tell me you said something other than pineapple." he turns to me "please tell me you're not anti-pineapple on pizza." i gasp for dramatics "oh yes i am, you psycho. see now i dont know if i can brag about you, you're too psycho. you're insane, even." he goes on "have you ever tried it?" i raise an eyebrow crossing my arms "no." he mutters under his breath, "first off, i can't believe you'd say it's gross before trying it. second off, you're trying it." i tell him "no i am not trying it! you can't make me." he says.

"you can make him." sarah walks in nodding "you don't even know what we're arguing about!" brendon says while placing the three toppings i asked for next to my pan "i don't, but i do trust her." sarah grins over at me "you're not going to ask what this is about." brendon says "i really doubt that-" sarah starts "she likes pineapple on pizza." brendon tells her "you can make him. i'm taking a shower, make sure you make mine pepperoni!" sarah pats my shoulder before heading up stairs.

"boom." i grin.

"whatever, you're still psycho." he says "you're psycho for not trying it. i'm gonna laugh in your face when you find out that you love it." i tell him "i'm not gonna like it though." he shakes his head "mhm."

after finishing up we place the two pizza's into the oven, we both clean up our mess on the counter. it's gonna take a half an hour so we have to figure out what we're gonna do.

"we should be cryptic." brendon says while i'm sat on the couch scrolling through my phone beside sarah "what is he talking about?" sarah asks me "i'm not very sure." i mumble both of us sharing a laugh "we have to tell public people humans that we have a daughter, sooooo how? how do we do that?" brendon's shoulders slump his voice becoming whiny but the smile clearly says he's joking around "'public people humans'" sarah mock's quietly, her and i laughing once again, "you just say it how it is? it's not that big of a deal." i reply "it is kind of a big deal. but i agree with the first part." sarah tells me "so who do we tell? do i tell zack and go 'tell management!' boom and done? i'm so lost." brendon flops down on his stomach on the couch "you do exactly that, but put some more thought into it." sarah nods making me smile "okay. just so you know-" brendon looks over at me "people are gonna be nasty and people are gonna be nice. everyone's going to have an opinion on it, it doesn't bother me." i repeat what i said from earlier.

about an hour and a half, maybe two, passes and sarah and i have finished our pizza outside on the patio. brendon's been on the phone for awhile now with management or whatever, i'm not really sure. he seems frazzled while pacing in and out of the house repeatedly.

sarah and i are both leaned back on the patio couch in a comfortable silence, except for brendon's voice going calm then raising then calm on a never ending cycle.

i wouldn't mind sarah playing with my hair, i wouldn't mind a tight hug, i wouldn't mind falling asleep with my head down on her shoulder.

i think i've made progress, i haven't even thought about hugging them before. now it's a new thought, it's scary. with the grohl's and hawkins' it just kind of happened, maybe it's just kind of happening now with sarah and brendon? that's progress right?

"sarah?" i ask "what's up, honey?" she turns over to look at me "can you play with my hair?" i mumble fairly quietly scared that she'll say no, "come here." she opens her arms. like i had hoped, i've leant my head down on her shoulder and she uses her right hand to run through pieces of my hair and massaging my scalp gently.

"the world knows." brendon plops down on the couch next to sarah letting his head fall back "you seem stressed." i mumble against sarah's sweatshirt, i feel that my eyes are growing to become heavier "some people in the management team can be very difficult sometimes. it's work." he sighs "do you regret it?" i ask him genuinely "regret what?" he replies looking up towards me clearly and sounding confused "regret telling people? would you have rather never talked about it... it being me." i close my eyes "lena, all i want to do is talk about you and brag about you but it's difficult right now. later on it'll be fine. but telling everyone at once wasn't exactly the most calming experience." he begins to dig into what is probably now his cold pizza, "there's nothing either of us regret." sarah kisses my forehead softly.

homemade pizza with my girls is absolutely the best way to spend a thursday night @magdalenaclaire @sarahurie

@brendonurie homemade pizza with my girls is absolutely the best way to spend a thursday night @magdalenaclaire @sarahurie

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@sarahurie ❤️❤️

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