New beginning

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I nervously adjusted my robes, feeling the weight of the unknown settle heavily on my shoulders. Today was the day i would finally be joining Hogwarts. But unlike most students, this would be my third year. You see, my name is y/n Malfoy and I'm Draco Malfoy's twin.

Growing up, I had always felt like the shadow in the background, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. My parents, Luicius and Narcissa had always been protective of me. They believed it was best for me to stay out of the spotlight, away from the dangers that came with our family reputation. But everything was about to change.

As i stood in Diagon Alley, surrounded by bustling crowds and the enchanting aroma of magical shops, my heart raced with anticipation. The previous night had been filled with a whirlwind of parents had finally agreed that it was time for me to attend Hogwarts. They had decided that i could forge my own path.

The decision hadn't come took months of pleading, arguing, and proving that i was capable of handling myself in the wizarding world. Now, with my trunk packed and my wand safely tucked away, I was ready to embrace this new beginning.

"Y/n" Draco's snarky voice called "Are you ready? the train will leave soon".

I nodded, my own nerves threatening to betray me "Yes Draco. I'm ready" i despise my brother he's an ignorant twat and cares way to much about our family name, just like our farther.

We made our way to platform 9 3/4, where the Hogwarts express awaited. The platform was a beehive of activity filled with students bidding farewell to their families and embarked on their own magical journey.

I followed my brother onto the train while receiving many strange looks it was almost as if i was some sort of alien. He found a apartment with some other students in who he introduced me to. After a wile of me sitting there listening to the boring conversation that they where having. i took my book and hunted out a different seat away from my horrid brother.

I stopped in my tracs one a cold gush of with blew through the train, the lights flickered as most students spoke confused about the situation. I looked in the compartment to my left there where 4 people in it a man who was asleep his face covered my his coat, a red head, a boy with round glasses and a girl with fluffy brown hair.

"excuse me. Do you know what's happened" my soft voice asked

no one answered me just shook there head as i was about to leave and go back to my brother i saw it, a dark cloaked figure floating in the air it walked though me and into the same compartment that i had been in, The cloaked figure was leaning over one of the boys before he suddenly fainted.


I waited outside of the hall as all the first years where sorted into there houses, i would be sorted into Slytherin due to my bloodline however deep down i wished i had a choice, to be sorted into the house i belong in for me not my stupid family.

"Y/n Malfoy" i walked towards the front of the hall as many looks and whispers filled the hall my nerves only grew but it would be fine after all my hole family where in Slytherin. The hat was lowered onto my head as a small yet dep voice began to speak "Another Malfoy....very ambitious yet brave and loyal...but where to put you it better be GRYFFENDOOR !!"

I froze in shock as i realised what had happened. I was in Gryffindor. My dad was going to kill me .The Gryffindor table had abrupted with cheers as i walked over looking for an empty seat.
Thanks for reading this is my first fan fic so please leave feedback thx

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