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I don't see why people hate Sean in the first place which I think I've said already, but I genuinely can't wrap my head around the fact that people aren't insanely obsessed with him, let alone hate him, so this short chapter is going to be me making up excused for why people wouldn't love him.

🗣: "Sean stole Daisy from Jake when Sean knew Jake liked her."

     ➤ I think it's obvious that this isn't true, or at least he didn't on purpose. Sean just so happened to find her upset while walking home and comforted her like any good person should. Yes, it looked like they were really close, even more than friends but it's not Sean's fault he got that rizz. Also, Jake is taking way too damn long to ask Daisy out. If he doesn't at least try to make Jaisy (Jake X Daisy) happen in Season two, Sean better take Daisy off his hands. Sean is just a better fit for Daisy in canon and that's that. 

  09/01 - ADDING ON: Now, even if Sean does grow bigger or romantic feelings for Daisy, he definitely would not get with her or even ask until he's over one hundred percent sure Jake is fine with it. You can't control your feelings, but you can most definitely control your actions and Sean knows that, for real, for real. What I'm thinking is that Jailey is going to sail and Sean's finally going to ask Daisy because Jake finally realized he cannot win Daisy over now that she's met the lady stealin' Sean. 

  (Plot Twist: In season two, Sean gets the courage to ask Daisy out but it turns out she's a huge lesboob like her two mommies and has been in love with Sadie for a while because she has a thing for big titty goths then Sadie appears out of nowhere like she always does and Daisy and Sadie make out in front of Sean so I can have him forever and ever in my basement because Sean Supremacy. This is actually canon Rosy climbed out from under my bed like a daddy long legs to tell me these spoilers because I'm he favorite.)

🗣: "Sean should have stood up for Jake when Jake got kicked out of the music club."

     ➤ I know this reason probably sounds crazy and it's may seem obvious why this is just not true, or at least to me it is, but I saw a TikTok the other day of someone slandering Sean because of something similar to this and how he 'shouldn't have just stayed silent' and was absolutely flabbergasted at all the comments agreeing. First of all, why are we picking on just Sean because of this? Staying silent was probably the best thing he could have done since if he did speak up, whatever he would have done or said probably wouldn't have had a positive outcome. If he helped Jake, he could have gotten kicked out or just backlash from the rest of the club and if he agreed with the club and said something negative to Jake, that wouldn't make Sean much different from the music club. Also, Sean DID help Jake in someway. Sean told Daisy about the whole situation and without Daisy, she probably wouldn't have known, or at least not in time for the competition and Jake wouldn't have gotten Daisy's support to be able to join the music club again. Like, Jake literally thanked Sean for telling Daisy in the first season's finale, so why are we picking on Sean to slander? I swear Sean haters have something personal against him or his voice actor, Dave because how are you going to hate him and go along with your life like normal.

I can't think of any other reasons on why anyone wouldn't like lil' Sean for now so if you have any that I should counterclaim, please let me know‼️‼️💻

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