Chapter 15 Two Pots

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The amount of rice in a bowl is not large. If you divide it into two bowls, everyone gets even less.

  But they only had lunch more than two hours ago, and they are not particularly hungry now.

  Pei Shanshan and Pei Jing share a bowl of rice, plus vegetables, it's almost the same.

   Pei Shanshan looked at the rice in front of him, then at Jiang Ran, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What about you?"

   "I eat noodles."

  She also ordered a bowl of shredded pork noodles!

  While talking, the shredded pork noodles came up.

  The bowl is very large and the quantity is very sufficient.

   Covered with vegetables and shredded pork, it is warm and fragrant.

  I have to say that the food at this time is really affordable.

  Don't pay attention to what is good or not, the most important thing is to keep the quantity large.

  If it tastes better, it will be more popular.

  Three or two people opened up to eat, but they all finished eating all the things they ordered.

After eating and drinking enough, wiped his mouth, Jiang Ran paid for it.

  When paying the money, Jiang Ran found that not only the quantity was large, but the price was also affordable.

   Twice cooked pork is 80 cents, and potato shreds are 30 cents.

  Pork noodles are six cents per bowl, and rice is two cents per bowl.

  All add up, a total of one piece and nine.

  One piece of nine can have meat and vegetables, three people can eat enough, and the price is really not expensive.

   Jiang Ran felt that it was not expensive, but seeing Pei Shanshan's expression was extremely distressed.

  Obviously, Pei Shanshan thinks this meal is quite expensive.

  The Pei family lives by farming, and the land has only been distributed to households in the past few years, so that they can sell the grain for some money after the grain is collected.

  If you want to buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar needles, you have to count on the hens at home.

  An egg can be sold for a penny, and there are many people in the village who use chicken butts as banks.

  Pei's family has more than ten chickens, but it is impossible to save all the eggs collected every day to sell.

  The original owner alone has to eat several eggs a day.

  Everyone in Pei's family can not eat it, but Pei Jing is still young and has to eat one every day.

  Thinking about the situation of Pei's family, Jiang Ran can also understand Jiang Ran's thoughts.

  But this is all temporary.

  Wait for her to do business and make money, Pei Shanshan doesn't have to worry about the meal money.

  After eating this meal, Jiang Ran had a bottom line about the price, taste and quantity of the food in the county, and she also figured out what to do.

  Opening a restaurant is certain, but not now.

  The funds in his hand are limited, and Jiang Ran can only save it.

  There is a cart at home, which is used to pull grain during the autumn harvest. It is idle most of the time and can be used to pull things.

  There is a car, the only thing that needs to be purchased is the stove, pots and pans.

  The old-fashioned earthen stove is used in the kitchen of Pei's family. The pot is directly embedded on the stovetop. It is impossible to move it down and use it. You can only buy it separately.

  If this was placed a few years ago, if you want to buy a pot, you must have an industrial voucher.

  There is no industrial voucher, even if you have money, you can't buy an iron pot.

  However, the reform and opening up have been carried out in recent years, and the policy has been relaxed a lot.

  As long as you have money, you can still buy iron pots.

  In the department store, Jiang Ran chose for a long time before finally choosing a pot.

  This pot is not as big as Pei's home pot, but it is enough for the current Jiang Ran.

  In addition to the iron pot, I also bought an aluminum pot.

  Aluminum pot is cheaper, but two pots add up to 40 yuan.

  Pei Shanshan looked at Jiang Ran and gave forty yuan without blinking her eyes. She was bleeding when she felt distressed.

  That's forty yuan!

  (End of this chapter)

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