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A strange week passed,one in which both had to get used to each other.
There was no honeymoon neither thought that was essential.
Both were at work the next day,Jimin as usual worked hard all day until he was tired and unconciously went home by taxi to his own house, only when he was there did he remember that he was temporarily living at Jungkooks. As it was late he text the other to say he would be staying at his explaining his mistake and that he was tired.
Jungkook got annoyed and decided to go to his club partying along with others.
He only realised his mistake the next day when he saw photos of him online surrounded by beautiful women with the headline of "rumours of marriage seem false".
His phone buzzed it was a message from his mother.
"We are glad you've seen sense get the marriage annulled."
He was angry at himself and then realised Jimin must have seen it too so he phoned him.
"Jimin it's not what it looks like..."
Silence then
"You don't owe me any explanation..."
"I do,I suggested this marriage to stop the harassment , I just needed to blow off hadn't come home....!"
" my mistake caused the media frenzy?"
"No..yes...hell I don't know....."
There was no answer ,Damn it Jungkook what's wrong with you! He knew he'd messed up but still blamed the other ....
He drove quickly to Jimins in time to see him drive out at speed,he tooted and Jimin glanced over only to ignore him and carry on driving.
Frustrated Jungkook followed ,he swerved in front of Jimin on a quiet road forcing him to stop.
Both got out their cars.
"You idiot what are you doing?"
"Jimin why didn't you stop ?"
"I have a meeting !! Why did you follow?"
"Because you hung up on me and I'm your husband!!"
"Shame you forgot that last night then!!"
Jungkook saw hurt in the others eyes and relented.
"I'm sorry Jimin..I am...I was waiting for you at home then you've rung to say your not coming...I was annoyed,one night.....that's all,married for one night and I felt deserted so I did what I know how to which obviously the wrong thing but I just don't know how couples do this!!"
Jimin could see his confusion after all hadn't he been the one on autopilot to his own bome......
He reached out holding Jungkooks arm...."I'm sorry too...can we forget it and just try harder?"
Jungkook smiled," sure...go out for dinner tonight"
"Ok,but I need to pack some clothes to bring over to yours."
"I can do it?"
"No......well I mean, sorry I'm not used to others in my space.....Damn,sure here's the key,I'll be at yours by six."
After handing over the key he drove off to his meeting.
Jungkook drove back to Jimins and let himself in.
He looked around noticing the quiet elegance of the had an understated elegance.
He poked around finding a suitcase in the utility room which he picked up and carried to Jimins room.
He opened drawers packing underwear and t shirts then trousers and loungewear.
He opened a drawer and frowned when he saw condoms and lube there, why did he feel annoyed? He knew Jimin had a sex life.
He closed the drawer then hooked two suits from the wardrobe.
He put a jewellery case in too as he knew Jimin liked to accessorise .
He grabbed wash stuff and was about to leave when in the sitting room he saw a photo of two smiling adults holding a small boy who you could see was Jimin.
These must be his parents,he carefully picked the framed photo up and put it in his car,Jimin needed to feel at home he thought.
Driving back to his he unloaded the car placing Jimins clothes in his room and standing the photo on a coffee table.
He then went to his home office looking up a few emails that needed to be dealt with and checking the takings for the club and gym.
Once all was in order he dressed for the gym and drove there.
RM was in the office along with Tae.
"Hey Kook,see you made the news...." A rather disgruntled Tae said.
"And your point is...?"
"Damn it Kook you can't do this now ...your married!"
"Tae..."RM said
"No....I have to say it...fucking grow up Kook how long are you going to act like a hoe?"
"Woah!....I know we are friends Tae but...."
"But nothing,Jimin is sweet,so he has been like you a bit,but from what Hobi says most of it is hype....,even he didn't go out the day after his wedding like you did,I bet he was working while you played the field!"
"Enough!!! I realised it ok and have apologised ,how the hell do you know so much about my husband ?"
Tae looked uneasy..." Hobi....he told me Jimin buries himself in work if he's unsettled and that he's been unsettled for a while...the sex thing Erm well....Damn Hobi told me in confidence ........"
Jungkook glared at him,"tell me........"
"I'm getting a coffee..." RM said rushing out.
"H-Hobi said Jimin used to be quite shy,his guardian never let him go out mix with others....tried to tell him he was the one who would always care for him the one that he would marry.the guy was fifteen years older ,Jimin knew something wasn't right and he felt insecure around him.
Jimin was at home on his own one day when he needed to get a university address from a folder he'd given to his guardian to look at. He went to his room and glanced around then went into the room next door the man used as an office.
He saw the computer was left on but in the screen were live recordings of two rooms.Jimins bedroom and bathroom.
All those years the pervert had been recording him.
Jimin rang the police they came and were there when the guardian came back.
The guardian tried to make out Jimin was a danger to himself that he had threatened to kill himself,but the evidence showed up his lies.
The court case was kept quiet the guardian was of course removed and done for pornographic images of a minor in his care. His last words to Jimin were that no one would love a person like him,chubby quiet with nothing going for him.
Jimin applied to be free of guardianship which was granted,his inheritance was turned over to him and Jimin....well he set out to prove the pervert wrong,he lost his baby fat ,he went to a gym, he went out and met new people and so started his reputation ,it's like he needed to prove he was likeable at first and then well like you it became routine."
Jungkook frowned after listening to this then looked at his friend,
"Thanks Tae......seems like you and Hobi have become close?"
"Yer well who knows,we are all getting older maybe it's time we all took the next step....."
RM poked his head in," is it safe yet?"
The other two chuckled,
"For a grown man your such a baby RM!"
"I'm going to work out you two coming?"
They all walked to the gym area and Jungkook spent the next hour telling himself he needed for however long they were together ,to give  more consideration to his multifaceted husband.

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