Chapter 1

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The sky had a reddish hue that spread over the small town like a raging fire. The last remnants of the sun were steadily making their way behind the mountainside, low enough that the rooftops towered over the remaining light and cast long shadows on the pavement. Few children remained outside, gathering their toys and bidding their friends goodnight before skipping back home for dinner. A couple could be spotted here and there, young and older alike, taking a stroll in search of a pleasant inn to spend the evening. A way to escape the routine of life.

One such couple, yet in many ways different than the rest, was wandering around the little square. A cane spun carefreely, then reached out to tug on the yellow cape of the shorter companion of the couple. "Wait a moment there, Gideon." The cat was held in place, yet his feet kept walking on the spot, eager as he was to get some beer and tobacco in his system. "Our spot has been getting a bit old nowadays. Let's try something new tonight, no?"

At that, Gideon finally stopped his walking and looked back at his fox companion, nodding excitedly. Honest John leaned over the cat with a knowing wink and opened his cape to reveal an enormous, half-full pouch in its depths. The golden coins jingled in a mouth-watering manner. "We most certainly can afford some luxury this time." he chuckled.

Thus, the con men took a different stone path, heading down a road they would rarely cross on other occasions. Nothing particularly fancy resided in this part of the neighborhood, but it certainly was a step up from their usual, low-cost inn with beer and cigars in the cheapest part of town. Here, the humble, unassuming inn owners made an effort to provide as many services as they could afford with their low income. One of which was music, a commodity the Red Lobster Inn was unfamiliar with. It would be a nice change of scenery.

"After all, I'd prefer not to have the Coachman's company this evening." Honest John mumbled to his partner, casting a cautious glance over his shoulder, to the alley they would normally take to find the infamous inn. The cat by his side rapidly shook his head in evident fear. Last time they met that man, the two anthropomorphic animals had decided it would be the one and only time they did business with him. A man who made a profit out of that haunting island was too frightening and dangerous to work for. He paid them handsomely for the little wooden boy, as promised, but the two preferred to stay away and make money the way they always did, rather than deal with him again. They had fallen into the trap he called "business" once, barely carrying it out by offering up Pinocchio in fear of Coachman's wrath, and they weren't going to be fooled twice. As hard as it was to believe, there was a point where neither of them would stoop low enough to reach. At least not when their own skin was at stake.

Yes, a change of scenery would be very nice.

It wasn't long before they came across the first inn. To their credit, despite wanting to go in right away, they held themselves back -or rather the fox did for the both of them- and kept walking. They had money, after all. No need to spend it on the first inn they found. Regardless of the mindset, though, they did end up choosing a relatively modest and quite cheap place to eat.

"The Dusty Cliff" was not much different from what the two had been used to. Lacking any joyous atmosphere and bright, welcoming colors, it was a place filled with alcohol, tobacco, and food. The only things that made any difference in the eyes of the con men were the small central stage, the few lights subtly lighting up the room, and the considerable amount of customers enjoying everything the inn had to offer.

The moment the two took their seats, the poorly hidden musical instruments by the side of the stage ceased their melody, their handlers taking a short break before the next piece. Two large mugs of beer were placed in front of the con men, who eagerly took the first large sips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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