Chapter 1: Mr. 500 won

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Chapter One

People find it quite unconvincing living without expressing emotions but it's quite possible to an extent and rather solitary. Everyone at one point has deceive others and or themselves by hiding how they really feel inside. Sometimes it's because you are able to look over the pain you really feel which isn't a problem until that pain becomes unbearable to the point where you just can't express how you deeply feel. That's where I am.

As far as I can remember I've been like this since I was 8. I don't remember why, I just know that it just happened, *snap* like that. 

*snap* *snap-snap*

"Gamjeong, Kang Gamjeong?!"

I opened my eyes to the sound of my uncle constantly snapping and clapping her hands. 

"Wake up kid! I need you to help me at the bakery before school this morning!" 

I just let out a small sigh and got up on my feet.

"Neh, Samchun..."

I quickly got ready and headed towards the old bakery. 

"Dling~ dlinggg~" The front door let out a ring as I walked in. 

"Ah good Gamjeong come over here and help me take out the bread."

"Neh..." I walked into the kitchen and neatly put the freshly made bread onto the baskets and then placed them through out the counters that lined the bakery. 

"Oh dang look at the time, here eat this and head right to school!" Samchun gently pushed me to an empty table with a cup of milk and banana bread. 

 "Neh, Thanks Samchun." I started eating. 

"Dling~ dlinggg~" The front door swing open once again revealing a small group of three boys with my school's uniform. 

Small whispers filled the air with their presence. 

"Yah hurry up before someone recognizes us, if manager hyung finds out we'll get in trouble."

"Dude chill, its usually quiet here in the mornings." 

I didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation but strangely they caught my attention. 

"Hyung why did you want to come here anyways?"

"What do you mean why?..." They continued to explore around the bakery picking up few pieces of bread.

"To eat breakfast, duh!"

I kept my eyes down avoid attention, eye contact and instead took out my phone. 

"Yah, V hurry up. I think that girl over there recognized us. She's got her phone out." 

I didn't lift my head knowing that they were talking about me. 

"Jimin hyung it looks like she's just listening to music..."

"Guys i'm almost done, just be a little patient! This bakery's bread will be worth it okay?"

I put in my ear phones and finished up my bread and milk as the boys headed towards the unattended cash register. 

"Gamjeong-ah." I felt someone pull out my earphone.

"Neh Samchun?" 

"Can you help those boys out over there?" Samchun pointed at the cash register before leaving to the kitchen.

"Guess so..." I quietly answered, heading towards the register after he left. 

"Bruh we'll meet you at school, if you get caught it's on you. Come on Jungkook."

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