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Nunew's POV

"That's all?" i asked, looking at Nat and Fiona

"Yeah, he wanted us to tell you" Nat said crossing his arms "Oh, alright. I'll go meet him after class" i said, "Are you sure? After what he did?" Fiona said feeling worried

"Yeah, i'll be fine don't worry" i said patting her shoulder as she sigh in defeat, nodding

"Alright, just.. Tell us if he did anything to you okay?" Nat said smiling slightly as i nod

Soon, the bell rang making everyone run into their next class "Come on, it's our last subject" i said closing my locker as i ran slightly to my last class

Zee's POV

I zone out making the teacher slam my table "Mr. Panich, why are you not listening to my class?" she said making me look at her with a poker face

"I apologize ma'am" i said looking back at my table, "That's a warning for you, I want everyone to focus on my discussion okay?" she said making everyone nod except me

The reason why I zoned out was because of Nunew, I kept on thinking about him, I seriously regret it for not believing him, I know I'm an asshole for not believing him

"I'm sorry Nhu.." i thought.

- Later -

Nunew's POV

"Okay everyone, class is done! Get home safely alright!" our teacher said "Yes ma'am!" everyone said making me smile slightly

I got out of the classroom as some of the people left, i snap out of my thoughts, I have to go meet Zee oh my gosh I almost forgot about that.

I close my locker as i ran upstairs at the rooftop

I opened the door as the air caressed my face, I look around not seeing him anywhere

"Nhu!" someone called me making me turn seeing Zee running towards me "You really came" he said smiling slightly

"What did you want to talk about?" i said getting straight to the point

He sigh, "Look I-I'm sorry for not believing you, please forgive me for what I did Nhu.." he said grabbing my hands slightly as he caress them with his thumb

"I can beg as much as you want, as long as you forgive me, I can get you anything you want! I'll buy it for you, j-just please forgive me.. I won't do it again, I promise. I'll believe you forever" he said as his eyes started to water making me sigh

I wipe his tears as i caress his cheek making him lean more on my palm feeling the warm "I forgive you.." i said making him look at me with his eyes widened slightly "Really?" he whispered making me nod

He chuckles as he hugged me tightly making me hum in surprise as i gave in, caressing his back as he melt in my arms "I missed hugging you like this.." he said making me chuckle as he pulled back

"Then.. Should we get back together?" he said "How about.. After my debut?" i said making him confused tilting his head slightly "It means after I turn 18 dummy.." i said "Oh, right. Sure! I'll wait for you." he said making me smile slightly, nodding

"Can i.. Atleast kiss you?" he pout making me chuckle as i peck his lips slightly making him hum as i smile, looking at him

He chuckles leaning down to kiss me again making me smile between the kiss, my arms snake around his neck as he pull me closer by the waist

I pulled back "Take it easy, I'm just 16" i said making him chuckle nodding as i giggle, kissing him again.

We kissed when someone suddenly opened the door making us pull away slightly

Zee turn his head seeing the security making my eyes widen, he look back to me pulling my arm slightly "Right there" he said pointing at the boxes

We ran as we hid there making me giggle slightly "Why are you laughing? it's not the time to laugh at a serious situation" he said looking at me "Its because you were so serious about almost getting caught" i whisper making him chuckle slightly, kissing my forehead making me hum.

Guess who's back! I finally got to write even though my exam is in 4 days and I still haven't reviewed 😅 but atleast i got to write another chapter for you guys! it's kinda short but I gave my best since you guys have been waiting for it for almost a month! 😱 Anyway, we're nearly done with the Story andd 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 SPECIAL CHAPTERS ARE COMINGGG! So suggest some for what will happen from the special chapters and I'll think about it! 👀 Thank you guys very much for supporting my second book! I appreciate every single one of you! I love you guyss! 💗💗 and don't worry, I will make another voting poll for my next ZEENUNEW BOOK!! 😲😲 yes! you read it right!! I will continue writing zeenunew stories since I love them so much of course 😘 so please do continue supporting me! thank you guys!! 🙏💋💋

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