Glossary/Story Terms

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A list of terms and monsters found in the story. I'll update it as I publish more parts. I will rearrange things in alphabetical order once this is complete.

Caster: A person (typically a human) born with the Sixth Source that uses their ability to study the complexities of magic. They follow Fael, the goddess of illusion, and are often in an uneasy truce with the Reftin Circle due to their knack of accidentally opening dangerous portals to other realms

Erla: Someone who has been bounded to the Reftin Circle. They act as the Circle's spies and assassins, constantly seeking contracts directed to eliminating monsters and practitioners of the dark arts.

Grayver: Cruel, wolf-like beasts that traps the souls of their prey for their owners. Their keen sense of smell, combined with their brute strength and iron-like jaws, would make them some of the most sought-out canines within the underworld, but their strong thirst for blood often means they kill their potential owners within the first day. Very few have ever accomplished mastering these beasts without first signing away their own souls.

Manweave's Curse: A special type of bug used in an Outsider's Execution. Once inside the victim, it will sprout into a varying plant (usually a tree) and immediately begin to grow within the host's body, resulting in burning boils, black veins, and several broken ribs. Host usually dies once the plant sprouts through the neck, but there have been the rare case or two where the plant keeps the victim alive through immediate control of the heart and brain. It is not yet known why this happens.

Nymph: A humanoid species. They very based on race, but they all seek to follow Dema, the god of nature.

Reftin Circle: An ancient order founded many, many years ago. The people who run it claim to follow the Nevhian gods, but they mainly focus on ensuring the world does not get overcome with monsters.

Spirin: A twisted, manipulated entity created by Casters. Due to the probable chance that these creatures can overtake a weaker host, they are not easily distributed to the public. When used correctly, they enhance a host's sense of vision, hearing, and strength, and better assists the host in using certain types of magic

Snakran (plural); Snakra: Vicious, humanoid snake-like creatures that commonly live in fresh water sources. They like to hunt humans in particular, and will often raid a settlement to feast upon before withdrawing back into the water

Traver: A rare demon entity with the ability to drive its victims to madness. Once caught, it will sleep in its victim's mind until it is strong enough to take over. Symptoms of possession usually include frantic arguing with oneself, manic, sudden mood changes, and powerful thoughts of suicide. They are one of few demons that cannot be exorcised without killing the host

Wayfold: A dimension between the living and the dead, commonly used to travel throughout the living world when one needs to get across a continent quickly. Since it is in such easy reach with the underworld, however, only the best of the best dare risks the usage of the unstable pathways.

Wayguard: Spirits who are bonded to erlas, meant to help and guide their partner as well as report their findings to the Circle.

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