The memorial service was a week later. Yamaguchi was cremated so there was no body to mourn, which Tsuki was internally grateful for. He knew he would've lost it if there would've been a casket.

The whole volleyball team showed up, including the previous second and third years along with Yachi and Kiyoko. Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda made an appearance as well as a bunch of students from school that Tsukishima didn't even know were friends with Yamaguchi. He was sure that some of them just showed up to get out of school, which royally ticked him off, but he wasn't going to cause a scene. He was just going to attend the funeral and get it over with.

It went by rather quickly with his mom and dad saying a few words and then they played a few of Yamaguchi's favorite songs which they asked Tsuki for help with. And after a moment of praying it was over and we were free to leave, walk around, talk to everyone and give condolences to the mourning family.

Tsuki came with his mom and he stood around while his mother chatted with a few friends about how tragic it was for someone so kind and talented to die so young.

"Kei?" Tsukishima looked around for the voice calling his name and landed on Yamaguchi's mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Yamaguchi." She smiled lightly while wiping away a few tears.

"Please, call me Aimi." Tsuki nodded. "But, I have two reasons why I called you over. One..." She turned around to the table and picked up a tiny urn before turning back to Tsuki. "Here. It was originally just going to family, but I think you're family enough."

Tsuki rolled the small object in his hand, feeling the cool metal against his skin. Inside was his soulmate. Someone who he should've protected... loved unconditionally... never let go. He didn't deserve to be called family after what happened.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." A tear escaped his eye but he was quick to wipe it away.

"And the other thing I wanted to ask was if you could come over after the service and go through Tadashi's room. You two were so close, I'm sure there are some things that he would've wanted you to have. His father and I already removed the important things we don't want to lose, so the rest is for you to look through."

Tsuki stood in the bedroom that he was in a week ago after the incident. Everything looked the same except that it was a lot emptier, and not just because Aimi took some things out, but because the one person who should've been there wasn't.

He wasn't in there for five seconds before he burst into tears and collapsed onto the bed, holding his pillow to his chest and sobbed until his throat was sore and his head was throbbing. He missed Yamaguchi so much. Every time he thought about his face, his beautiful face, he was filled with despair. Nothing- time, love, comfort- could take this feeling of suffering away.

Still sniffling and, occasionally hiccuping, Tsuki began to search the room for anything he would potentially want to keep. He found the strawberry pin that he gave him for Christmas and pinned it to his shirt. He grabbed a few of his hoodies that Tsuki loved to see Yams wear along with a bunch of other little things that would remind him of his soulmate. Just as he was about to leave, he saw the lanyard he bought Yamaguchi all that time ago for when he got his driver's license. It hung on his coat rack with only one lonely key on the clip. Tsuki grabbed it and wrapped it around his neck before leaving the room.

He was forced to pass the bathroom on his way downstairs, but thankfully, it was closed and he was able to leave peacefully.

"Kei? Are you leaving already?" Aimi yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Uh, yeah, I think so. I grabbed a few things, so I'm good." she appeared from a room, which startled Tsuki a little.

"Before you go, can I ask you one more thing?" Tsuki just nodded. "Do you think you could try unlocking Tadashis phone? I've been trying, but I keep getting it wrong and I think you'd have a better shot at it."

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