New People & Him.

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"Mr Harry Edward Styles, is guilty in the murder of Nick Grimshaw and served 2 years in prison, the trial is over." the judge knocked on his gavel and Anne wept bitterly because she knew full well that her son was not wrong in here, it wasn't his son who put something in Nick's drink, he knew very well that his son didn't like parties so it was impossible for his son to poison Nick to death.

Harry shed tears with a stiff face, he could only surrender and sit still without moving, he really couldn't move anymore, he went to jail, a very disgusting prison full of perverted and creepy men, gosh what kind of nightmare is this? he wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

"harry my baby" Anne spoke, she put her hand on Harry's shoulder making Harry come out of his reverie, Harry looked at his mother and immediately got up and hugged her tightly and cried out.

"i'm so sorry momma, i'm sorry if i do anything wrong, i'm sorry if i made you cry, please forgive me but i swear to God mom i didn't kill Nick! i swear to God, I didn't kill Nick mom, yes i hate him but I won't do something like this" Harry cried out loud when he hugged Anne making Anne cry even more, Gemma could only see them with tears in her eyes, gosh what happened, why did this happen, God please tell me why.

"i'm sorry.." Harry said one last time and then he let go of the hug, there's a police behind him that ready to handcuffed him, kinky- i'm joking guys pls..

Harry reached out and the police handcuffed him, Harry was taken away and Gemma immediately hugged Anne, life is suck innit.


"hey, are you new?" some blonde guy asked Harry who's sitting and eating the food that they gave to all the prisoners there.

"y-yes.." Harry answered fearfully, he didn't even look at the man who had spoken to him.

"ay chill out, i'm not gonna rape you or kill you, i kill a lot of people and It's getting boring, well my name is Niall Horan and this is my bestie Liam Payne" Niall was talking jokingly then he put his arm around Liam's shoulder and pulled him closer to him, Harry finally looked at them both and smiled happily, finally there was a normal person here.

"oh fuck off irish stop saying bestie that's weird, by the way what's your name new kid?" Liam finally ask Harry.

"i'm Harry Styles, call me Harry" he answered with a big smile on his face, so far all he had seen were men wanting to shove their dicks into his ass. That's why he's so happy when Niall and Liam finally spoke to them and they're both are nice and friendly.

"pretty name harry, got any new friends here? i mean if you don't, we can be a trio.. oh my fucking god we're gonna be the coolest trio here what the fuck! power bott- wait are ya gay?" Niall spoke at length making Harry confused which one and what to answer.

"jeez calm the fuck down" Liam said to him as he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"well.. about the last question yes.. i am" Harry answer and he drink his drinks.

"great as fuck, bet you're bottom?" niall ask as he point to Harry's face.

"yeah.. why-"

"yes! we're power bottom what the fuck, this is awesome" Niall said happily and Liam smack his own forehead.

"he's a little crazy cause he kill you many people, don't mind him, why did you go to jail? you look.. i don't know innocent or something like that" Liam said as he eyed Harry up and down.

"well stop looking at me like that, I was accused of murder even though I wasn't the one who do it, it wasn't me who killed the person." Harry explain and Liam nodded his head and he looked at Harry up and down.

"what again?" Harry ask.

"sure i believe what you said" Liam said as he smile mockingly and Harry rolled his eyes but smile.

"oh my Gosh i'm not the one who did it!" harry said jokingly.

"well, you're new here so you definitely know nothing in here, lemme tell you all the weird people here" nial said as he look around.

"see those two big guy? two man making out, Alex and Henry, they're nice and they're our friends also, but they really don't give a damn about anything if they want to kiss then they would" Niall said as he point to Alex and Henry who's making out.

"and that's the bald guy, we don't know his name, all of us doesn't know his name, he never mention it cause he said he doesn't like his name which is weird, called him 'the bald guy' he's autistic but It's fine, he's nice" Harry stare at the bald guy who's sitting alone eating his food without giving a damn about anything.

"that's Martin, he's a bastard, he's a predator so please don't get closer to him cause he like to fuck any cute guy in prison" Niall point to Martin, he's tall as fuck and not attractive at all.

"that's Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum, they're a group and they're pretty fine and normal"

"that's- wait is that Alex vause, Piper Chapman and Nicky Nichols? Alex Nicky Piper!" Niall said as he sees three woman there.

yes orange is the new black.

the three of them turn their head at Niall and smile and they walk towards Niall, Harry and Liam.

"yo, what's good? who's this?" Alex said as he sit down beside Niall, Piper said beside Alex and Nicky next to Liam.

"new kid, Harry Styles" Harry smile at them.

"hey i'm Alex this is Piper and that's Nicky, we're from a girl prison" Harry frowned confusedly.

"Look, so this is an all-male prison and the next building is an all-women's prison" Alex explain and Harry just nodded, Piper stare at Harry and she move closer to Alex.

"don't worry Piper, he's gay, i mean this is male prison so almost all of us gay" Liam said cause he notice that Piper is jealous.

"well same like us, in the girl prison there's a lot lesbian people there, example me" Alex smirked and then laugh.

"girls! get back to your own place!" a police shouted at them.

"fucking shove a dick up your throat and shut the fuck up!" Nicky shout back at him and almost all of them laugh.

"well guess this is goodbye, see ya" alex said and the three of them got up and leave again.

"they look cool as hell" Harry spoke and Niall and Liam chuckles.

"i feel you, yeah they're pretty hot, by the way continue.." Niall said as he look around again.

"and lastly, Louis fucking Tomlinson and Zayn Malik, they both are like the hottest and the scariest people i know, i mean look at them" Niall said but kinda like a whisper, Harry stare at them both, but the one with blue eyes already stare at him at first.

they briefly locked eyes then Harry broke the look of those eyes, his eyes, his blue eyes.. damn.

"did he just.. wait did you make eye contact with him? oh my fucking God he stare at you!" Liam whisper-yelled at Harry and Harry look down to his empty plate.

"oh gosh Liam i know" Harry mumbled and Niall gasps loudly and he smile.

"oh my god, i ship! literally look at you both! staring at each other from afar like a high school couple" Niall mock them and giggles.

"stop!" Harry said with a big smile and he giggles.

the three of them giggles while the blue eyed guy still staring at Harry who's giggling, the cutest giggles ever, It's like... admiring from afar.

that's it for chapter one

thanks for reading!

all my love for you, N. :)

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