Anniversary Gifts

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(Just think that Kim is working in company with kinn, handling legal business and take a break from wik profession

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(Just think that Kim is working in company with kinn, handling legal business and take a break from wik profession. since he broke Chay's heart he couldn't concentrate on his songs so he is just healing himself and taking a time to shower all his love and coax his now beautiful boyfriend his Angel)

3 weeks ago:

Chay is curled tightly in a ball in the corner of the plush sofa in his and Kim's home. Compared to the both of them, the sofa was unnecessarily large, but Chay still felt the need to be snuggled as close as possible like he was hiding from the rest of the room. A pillow is stuffed in his arms, the only barrier restricting the waterworks from escaping his bambi eyes.

Home. That's another thought that forced itself into the boy's brain. Kim has stolen Chay's heart for about 1 years now and after war between two families, Kim realizing his mistakes, and doing lots of groveling they are together now.Chay has full trust in Kim, but recently he has had small doubts circle in the back of his mind.

Kim was never home, and if he was, it was only for a couple of hours where he'd just go to sleep from the 'tiring day' he had.

Yes, the older man did hold his loving boyfriend tightly at night, and gave him sincere compliments whenever he was home, though this didn't give any insight to Chay about what he was doing when he wasn't home.

*Chay's POV*

I heard the keys in the door and I immediately wiped my eyes to make it seem as though I hadn't been crying all day whilst my boyfriend was out. I checked the time as I had just been blankly staring at the tv screen, not actually paying any attention to it - 10:37PM - 'brilliant, 4 hours late, like always' I thought to myself, including a small sigh, not letting P'kim here me.

"Hey baby!" He beamed at me. I put a slight smile on my face as I made my way towards him in my flannel pajamas covered in baby ducklings -very cute may I add - and one of P'kim's large jumpers that he bought up so I could wear it.

"Hi," I replied, not meaning for my voice to crack so much when saying such a short phrase. Luckily he didn't notice it.

As we stayed hugging; his arms tightly wrapped round my waist, mine hung around his neck and laying my head on his shoulders, facing his neck, he mentions quietly, "I thought you'd be asleep by now?" Phrasing it more like a question than a statement.

"Couldn't sleep without you," I replied and he retreated from the hug.

"Let's go to bed now then." He gave me a warming kiss on my temple, but he knew that wasn't enough. I saw him smile as he pulled away and gently placed his lips on mine.

P'kim gripped onto my hand and brought me to the bedroom, not without turning the tv off first. He stripped off his clothing and was just left in his boxers like he does every night; his warmth is addicting.

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