Chapter 1

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It's been a very warm summer this year, as Enadira Cromwell was sitting down outside on a blanket with her mother's second-year journal and her new sketchbook for this year. She knew she couldn't open her mother's journal, for it can only be opened when the school year begins, but she couldn't leave it alone. Enadira was enjoying the view and breathing in the naturalization when Ron appeared. "Bloody hell, aren't you burning?" Ron asked her, as he already looked pinkish. Enadira chuckled. "Oh, you're such a tease, Ron; it's only warm out, and there's a lovely breeze every now and then," she said as a particular fresh breeze blew away.

"Well, mum says lunch is ready," he said. "Oh, then it would be best if I packed the blanket," Enadira said as she stood up and wrapped the blanket up. Together, they walked through a nice pathway and toward Ron's house, the burrow. A lopsided house with wonky chimney stacks, a red roof, and a jumble of gnomes, chickens, and Wellington boots in the front garden The burrow was a cozy home, but it can be chaotic at times.

Enadira was actually supposed to be in her home all the way to Ilam, Ashbourne, and to be part of another of her grandmother's balls. Enadira didn't wish to attend this year. Enadira managed to escape but got kicked out by her grandmother in a petty argument. It happened about a week ago, back in the Cromwell manor.

Earlier last week...

"Enadira, come now! I need to speak with you," Rosalind said as she stood outside Enadira's bedroom door. Enadira sighed and opened the door to let her grandmother come in. As Rosalind walked in, she looked around her granddaughter's room, was happy that the room was clean, and looked at her granddaughter standing by her bed's pedestal. "Yes grandmother?" Enadira asked. "Now I know you aren't hiding this year because this time I need you to attend," her grandmother said.

"Grandmother, I know we struggle to understand each other sometimes, and I'm glad you finally accepted the fact that I am in Gryffindor, but I don't wish to attend another of your balls," Enadira said as she crossed her arms. Rosalind raised her brow. "Come, child, you can't be serious," she said. "I gave you permission to invite that young Potter," she said. "Harry never replied back, and I can't even invite Ron or Hermione? It's unfair, but I don't think they'd want to anyway," Enadira said.

"The Weasley's ñame has sank and the other one is a muggle, dear. Think of what the others would say." Rosalind huffed. "I'm saying no, thank you, friends or not," Enadira said. "Oh, Enadira, honestly, just like your mother," Rosalind said. "I don't wish to be caged with people who believe their house is the best and only pure blood is accepted," Enadira said.

"That is enough, Enadira; you will attend this ball or leave the premises," Rosalind said, crossing her arms. "Then I will leave the premises; I was planning to hide anyway," Enadira said as she started to grab her trunks underneath her bed. "Oh, why did I have to have a difficult granddaughter? If only it wasn't for that man," Rosalind muttered as she was leaving Enadira's room. Enadira heard her muttering and sighed. "I don't know how much more I can take this," she thought as she started to pack.

Enadira packed a good amount of her things; her special ones were her mother's second-year journal and her new sketchbook that she hasn't used yet. As she opened the door to her room, she put her head out to see if the coast was clear and left, carrying her luggage. Ms. Ivy appeared and noticed Enadira with her luggage. "Lady Cromwell, what on earth are you doing?" she asked her. "My grandmother gave me a choice: to attend another disliking ball or leave, so I chose the ladder," Enadira said to Ivy. "Lady Cromwell, I must ask you not to do that; your grandmother told me if you tried, I'd have to stop you," Ms. Ivy said.

"Oh, well, good luck, for I am leaving," Enadira said as she started to go downstairs, and Ms. Ivy followed. "Lady Cromwell, please," Ms. Ivy said, and she noticed two other servants seeing what was happening. "Lady Cromwell, we must ask you to stop," Mr. James and Mr. Louis said. "No, as a future Cromwell, I shall leave and return by the end of my second year of Hogwarts," Enadira said, for the two men were blocking her exit off the stairs. "Now move, please," Enadira said, and the two men stood aside as she passed with her luggage.

Second year: Secret friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now