Chapter 5

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Enadira kept running until she was finally in the courtyard outside. She was breathless as she stood there with her hands on her knees and her head down. Enadira finally calmed down, but she couldn't stop thinking about their argument. She couldn't believe he lost his temper over something, so she couldn't even think of the word. "Would this be...our first fight?" Enadira thought, "I ran because he was wrong, and he yelled at me... I'm a child, but he acted as one too," she continued to think until she noticed Hermione and Ron.

She cleared her thoughts away and walked toward them as they were sitting down with books in their hands. "Hey, guys," Enadira said sadly as she exhaled. "Enadira, we weren't expecting you and..." Hermione was starting to stare at her, concerned. "Hey, are you okay? "You look out of breath," Hermione asks. "Uh, hey, look!" Enadira pointed out the Gryffindor quidditch team and then the Slytherin team.

"Uh, oh, I smell trouble," Ron said, and together they walked toward the two teams. "Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver Wood asks him, with his team behind him. "Quidditch practice," Flint said. "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Oliver said. "Easy, wood," Flint said, taking out a note. "I've got a note," he said, handing it to Oliver. "Oh my gosh, it's the same note," Enadira thought now as she was about to hear what Snape was writing down.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today owing to the need to train their new seeker." Oliver read the note aloud. "You've got a new seeker? Who?" he asks Flint. Flint and his team move aside a bit to reveal Draco Malfoy in a quidditch uniform. "Malfoy?" Harry asked, surprised to see him. "What? Your the new seeker?" Enadira asked.

"That's right," Draco said with a smirk, looking at Harry. "And that's not all that's new this year," Draco said, showing off his new broom. Everyone looked at the brooms the Slytherin team had. "Those are Nimbus 2001's; how did you get those?" Ron asked with a surprised expression. "A gift from Draco's father," Flint said. "Well, that explains it," Enadira said as she crossed her arms. Draco sent her a glare and then looked at Ron. "You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best," he said.

"At least no one in the Gryffindor team had to buy their way; they got in on pure talent," Hermione said. "Agreed, Hermione, well said," Enadira said as she gave a nod. Draco walked toward Hermione. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood," he said, which made everyone gasp, except Harry, who was confused even though he gasped as well. "Why, you rude-" Enadira was about to say something until Ron said, "You'll pay for that Malfoy." He took out his broken taped wand and said, "Eat slugs!" which backfired and flew Ron backwards.

"Ron!" Enadira, Hermione, and Harry said as they ran toward him while the Slytherin teamed up and laughed. Hermione and Harry clutched down to see if he was okay as the Gryffindor quidditch team went toward them to see if Ron was alright. "You ok, Ron?" Hermione asked him as he started to get up, but he had a sick expression on his face. "Say something," she said as Ron began to get on all fours. Ron looked like he was about to hurl, and suddenly, he threw up a slug. "Ew!" they all said as they saw him throw up.

Then a flash came out of nowhere; it was Colin. "Wow Harry! Can you turn him around?" he asked excitedly. "No, Colin, get out of the way," Harry said as he and Hermione grabbed Ron to help him stand. "Let's take him to Hagrid; he'll know what to do," Harry said. "Good call, we'd better go," Enadira said, and together they quickly went over to Hagrid's.

As Hagrid let them in and everything, Ron sat between Harry and Hermione while Enadira was standing. Hagrid came back with a big bucket. "This calls for a specialist's equipment," Hagrid said, placing the bucket in front of Ron. "Nothing to do until I wait for it to stop, I'm afraid," he said, sitting down. Ron threw up another slug as Harry groaned and patted Ron's back. "Better out than in," Hagrid said.

Second year: Secret friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now