The Shackled Dawn of the Twisted (TSDOTT)

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There was a king who ruled a country. let's say his name was 'G'. 

He was successful in life. He had a beautiful wife and two kids but he died early at the age of 40.

Years passed and the older brother inherited the throne. lets call him 'GJ'. 

The younger brother was banished by GJ cause he wanted to kill his big brother and inherit the throne himself.

The younger brother let's call him 'GY'.GY went to a far way kingdom and married the princess there. 

The princess actually fell in luv with GY cause he is hawt! like super hot just like his big brother and his father!!(❤️ ω ❤️)
Then GY comes back to reclaim the throne again and a huge battle takes place where the princess gets killed.

But no one cares about the princess cause both GJ and GY fall in luv with a random street girl.

Mind you both of them are married rn and hawt middle aged guys. so the random street girl-- she is a saintess (she is a virgin mary typa girl)

GJ has a son named "Y" (his mother is unknown btw)Saintess falls for the Y and in the ongoing battle both GJ and GY seem to be dead. 

Y actually has a crush on saintesses mother and so Y marries saintess and kidnaps her mother.

ok let's call saintess mother as 'S'.

Y becomes the country's king. 

on the other side it turns out GJ is still alive cause he was bitten by a vampire in childhood and also become a vampire.

while all this is happening, the previous king G is still alive in a different young body but he has amnesia.

G reincarnated because his queen named 'SJ' sacrificed her soul to the demon in return of reincarnating her love(G)but it turns out the demon did not like SJ's soul and threw it away.

this caused SJ to reincarnate too but in a male's body. SJ trains to be a demon slayer and goes back to reunite with G.

 G dosen't remember him and so he has to start as friends. this beccomes a slow burn luv.

let's return to Y. Y is now old and is scared of dying.

 He searches for immortlity and comes across the ritual performed by his grandmother(SJ).

the vampire (GJ) now knows his father(G) is alive and wants to kill him.{side story but actually G hated his first son cause he is smarter and tried to assassinate him many times}

Y to summon the demon, gathers 69 virgin girls and also sacrifices his wife(saintess) cause saintess very pure in soul and can summon the highest order demon.

The saintess gets to know about this plot and tells her mother too.

They both are actually not what they seem to be though.

The saintess is a governament spy and her mother codenamed 'sucubus'is an assassin.

Sucubus also has a hidden motive of bringing her ded husband back to life.

As nothing goes according to plan G stops them. 

It turns out G is a lower level demon and wants to kill SJ and his son GJ.

Plus he doesn't remember them too.(btw Y dies of old age)

so saintess and sucubus also join SJ and GJ.

They succeed in killing the G after huge battle.

as the dust settles a new king is on the throne and everything seems to have returned to the beginning.

 Enter a grandpa to the scene.


*who is the mysterious grand pa*

*what happened to Saintess, sucubus, SJ and GJ?*

*See you in volume 2*


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