"get off my girlfriend."

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sadie's notifications.

INSTAGRAM: mattsturniolo started following you.

you followed: mattsturniolo back.

SNAPCHAT: matt sturniolo has added you!

matt sturniolo is now you friend! say hi!

TIKTOK: mattsturniolo has followed you.

you followed: mattsturniolo.

"damn matt." i mumbled to myself.

"what?" nate asks.

"oh nothing, matt just followed me on every platform." i laugh.

"yeahhh." nate teases.

i roll my eyes and face them back to my phone.

"i think i'm hanging at their place today if you wanna come, i'm sure they wouldn't mind. they really like you." nate says.

"yeah sure, i wanna see nick." i smile looking up at him.

"i bet, we're leaving soon. are you ready?" nate asks.

"ehh almost." i say getting up running to my room.

"ok, don't take to long." nate shouts.

"i won't!" i shout back.

i get up to my room and put on a little more makeup, not for anyone or anything...

"i'm ready!" i say walking down the stairs.

"ok get in the car." he says grabbing his keys.

we get in and drive the their house.

"nick!" i say hugging him as we both walk in.

"hey nate." matt says smiling at him.

"yo nate." chris says shaking his hand.

"hi nate." nick waves from the couch i was already ready sitting next to him on.

"ok so i was thinking." chris announced.

"do you guys have plans tonight?" chris asks me and my brother.

"nope, why?" nate says.

"why don't you guys sleep over? we'll go to target and grab snacks, we can watch tons of movies too." chris says excitedly.

chris it's so cute when he's excited, like a little boy when he sees a cool monster truck.

"that's sounds like so much fun." i smile.

"yeah, let's do it." nate says.

"wanna go to target now?" nick suggests.

"yeah." i say.

"ok everyone hop in the van." matt says pointing to the door.

chris ended up wanting to sit in the back with nate and nick so i got to be matt's passenger princess this time.

"so? how are you?" matt asks looking into my eyes. wow he's cute, i feel like i just got hypnotized by his pretty blue eyes.

"eh im doing alright, you?" i turn to look at him.

"im good." he smiles.

we arrive at target and walk into the candy isle.

i walk alone to get the pepsi and some random guy that what looked to be my age came up to me.

"yo your pretty as hell, could i get your snap?" he says smirking.

i instantly get uncomfortable, he starts getting closer to me and putting his hand on my waist.

my best friends sister | matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now