Chapter 1 - New World?

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United States of America,

Washington DC,

White House: 19:45 Hours

As dusk settled over the White House, President Charon was interrupted by an out-of-breath aide. "A colossal storm approaches from both coasts, Ma'am. It threatens to cover the majority of our mainland within hours, and its origin remains unknown."

Concern was evident on the President's face. "What's the projected impact?"

"Significant infrastructure damage across numerous states, and a potential death toll reaching into the millions," the aide conveyed.

"Declare a State of Emergency at once and deploy all disaster response units," President Charon ordered her tone firm. The room echoed with affirmations.

Russian Federation,


Kremlin: 02:45 Hours

The shrill of a phone disrupted the Moscow night's silence. Groggily, President Boris Lavrov answered, "Who's this?"

"A vast snowstorm is moving from Siberia towards our European regions," came the reply.

"Isn't that typical?" Lavrov mumbled, still drowsy.

"Ordinarily, yes, but this storm's magnitude is unparalleled. It's engulfing Siberia, threatening prolonged visibility issues," the aide clarified.

"Alright, issue a disaster alert and advise citizens to stay indoors," Lavrov instructed.

"Understood, Mr. President," the aide said, concluding the call.

People's Republic of China,


Zhongnanhai: 07:45 hours

During Premier Wu Xi's morning meeting, a CMA report detailed typhoons from the South China Sea and a snowstorm moving from Siberia into Chinese Mongolia.

"Comrade Premier, the public must be informed. The consequences of inaction could be dire," a council member urged.

"I concur. Issue public alerts regarding the storms and keep me informed," Premier Wu Xi directed. Nods of agreement filled the room.

The Republic of India,


Sansad Bhavan: 05:15 hrs

An alarm roused Prime Minister Aryan Singh within Sansad Bhavan.

"What's the situation?" he inquired, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"Sorry for the abrupt alert, sir. A formidable cyclone is forming in the Bay of Bengal, targeting our eastern shoreline," the IMD director informed.

Now alert, Singh queried, "What's the projected fallout?"

"This cyclone, potentially the fiercest in years, promises intense storm surges and heavy rainfall, risking floods and wind damage across several states. The devastation could be vast without swift evacuation measures," the director cautioned.

"Got it. Mobilize the National Disaster Response Force and start evacuations. Collaborate with state administrations to prioritize citizen safety," Singh directed.

"We're on it, sir," the director confirmed.



National Diet: 12:30

Prime Minister Toshiro's policy discussion was interrupted by his secretary's sudden entrance.

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