- Perfect Cell -

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Oh boy first time doing a villian Oneshot I hope you all like it lol
Things to note:
Fem!shy!Reader (she/her)
The reader will be half human and half
fox as that was requested by the person
Obviously it takes place during Cell Saga


Second Person POV

If you were to be honest,you weren't really one to fit in almost anywhere because you were too 'different' for everyone else.
What do I mean by that? Well it's simple..your not entirely human yourself as you are half kitsune, meaning you not only have a human body but you also have kitsune ears and tail which makes you a hybrid basically.
Not only that but you were also shy when it came to meeting people,so you never had any friends either.It was just you and your adoptive parents who were probably the only ones that weren't spooked by your appearance.You always thought of yourself as 'hideous' and 'ugly' but your parents said otherwise,they had taken you in when they found you as a baby in the woods as they both went for a hike,not being able to have a child of their own,they were more than happy to take you in and raise you as their own even if you weren't exactly like them.Both of them were very supportive of you and you couldn't be any more grateful to have people like them.
One day,Your mother had came into your room and asked you if you could go and get some groceries for supper to which you of course agreed.The main reason on why you never had a problem on going out was because your parents had given you a 'disguise' to hide your kitsune features from everyone else.Making you look like a normal being to everyone else.As you went on to change you had worn a hat which,even tho hurt your ears a bit was still able to cover them,you even made sure to wear a dress that covered your tail also.
Alright! Now you are fully ready to go out! As you step outside you take in the lovely sunny weather and the soft sounds of chirping from the birds nearby,it was perfect,almost like a fairytale if you say so yourself.


As you got the last of your groceries,you then heard two people not to far away from you talking to each other and you couldn't help but get intrested by their conversation."I'm sure Mister Satan will be able to kick Cell's butt at the Cell games! That would show him not mess with our champ!" One says while the other replies back in a happy voice "Yeah! When Mister Satan is around,earth is sure to be at peace!" Hmm..Mister Satan..you had heard this name before..he was supposed to be the world martial arts champion and the so-called 'Savior of the Earth' tho you never really thought of him as a 'hero' because it never seemed right to you.Sure he is a champion but there is possibly no way he is strong enough to get a title like the 'Savior of the Earth'.its almost unbelievable.But then again that's just your personal opinion and maybe you could be wrong also.Tho the most important thing of the conversation between the two people that REALLY caught your eye was about 'Cell'.You had never heard this name before in your life and for some reason,you couldn't help but wanting to meet him,by the way his name sounds he might also be different like you right? I mean who would name themselves something like 'Cell'.
Wait..but where was this Cell guy actually? You clearly had no idea on where to find him and because of your shy nature,you were afraid to ask the two people on where you could find him yourself.
You were about to give up and walk away until you heard one of the people say 'I still don't get why he is planning to have his tournament at that cliffside over there..he could have it at the Tenkaichi Budokai instead!' The person who said this to their friend,was pointing at a cliff which was a bit far from your home in the woods.Looks like there still might be a chance for you!
You immediately then ran back to your home and put the groceries on the table,as your mom notices your behaviour she couldn't help but smile at you and ask "Wow my child! You seem to be in quite the hurry? Is there somewhere special your going?" You look back at her and reply "I'll tell you later mother! I'll be back before supper don't worry!" You say as you close the door and head out to your new destination leaving your mother now even more puzzled.
Tho it was almost a 45 minute trek you finally made it.It looked like an arena with a ring in the middle of it,but that was just it.There were no seats to be found as you looked around but then your eyes immediately look at the figure that was standing in the middle of the ring,his arms were crossed and it looked like he was waiting for something.As soon as you spot him you then hide behind a huge rock and continue to observe him.He was tall,probably around 7 feet and he had some green spots around his body also.He also looked he had some wings also behind his wings,similar to a fly's wings you could say and he even seemed to have some sort of tail also but you wouldn't exactly call it an animal's tail like yours.
Suddenly you hear his voice "I know I am perfect lady,but it is rude to stare" He says with a smirk as he turns his head and looks at you.
You blush,embrassed that he already found you..was it that obvious!? Tho you couldn't help but stare into his eyes..they had purple ireses and it was almost captivating to say the least. "Well are you just gonna stand there or you are planning to tell me your name stranger" You snap out of your daydream and stutter "S-sorry..! I-i dint mean to..! I'm not-!" You really wanted to disappear at this point,your communication skills were definitely not helping you right now.You then hear him chuckle "My my~ are my looks really that alluring to you that you can't even speak now?" He says with a smirk and you feel yourself heating up. "N-No i mean..i was just trying to s-say that..i dint mean to be a creep and look at you in a weird way..i promise!" You say,still flustered,hoping that he understands.
"Hmm..Very well then..would you atleast tell me your name then? So that I wouldn't have to refer to you as 'that one lady who was staring at me'?" He says in a bit of a sarcastic tone and you immediately nod back at him "Ah! Sorry! My name is..(Y/N)..." You say giving him a nervous smile trying your best not to look embrassed anymore.
"Pretty name i must say..I'm Cell..tho i persume you already know that no?" You nod back at him "Y-yeah.." He chuckles at your behaviour and gestures you to come closer by putting his hand out in front of you.
You then slowly walk closer to him silently hoping that he won't kill you,once you step into the ring and look at him you again feel yourself being captivated by his looks but that doesn't happen for long before Cell breaks the silence asking you "I see that you aren't entirely human yourself.." He says looking at your ears and tail (you had taken off your disguise once you had reached home forgot to mention that lol)
"Ah yes...i know it seems weird but..I'm actually half kitsune...i don't know how because I don't even know my real parents.." you say the last part a bit sad as you look down,rubbing your hands together.Cell notices your behaviour and nods "I see...if you are not comfortable talking about it..then I understand" you were a bit shocked to hear that,you thought that he would be bombarding you with questions as to how and why you are well,you.That in general made you feel relived and you had a feeling that you and Cell might actually get along.


As the hours went by,you felt more comfortable around Cell,even tho he was supposed to be the 'bad guy' here,he was honestly quite nice to you.As it finally became night time you then look up at the night sky,enjoying the stars that shines bright with the moon in the center shining brightly also,Cell to was looking up at the night sky with a smile,He seemed quite calm also seeming to enjoy time with you,that's when you had finally realised that you had to get back home soon for dinner or else your parents would be worried.
"A-ah! I almost forgot! I have to get home fast! My parents might be worried for me if I don't get back in time!" You then wondered though on how you could reach in time I mean..if coming here took alot of time then going back also would take a while.
Luckily tho Cell says "I see..perhaps I can drop you off to your place then?" Hearing that your eyes widen "W-wait..really? But how..?" Cell chuckles "Your not scared of heights right?" You shake your head "Well not really but-woah!" Cell suddenly holds you bridal style making you blush again "Then hold on tight princess" He says with a smirk as he then slowly lifts himself up,still holding you in your arms as you hold on to him,the next thing you realise is that you were flying! This was almost incredible! You could feel the wind blowing your (h/c) hair as you and Cell were flying off to your house.
After successfully giving him the directions,he then finally reached your house and puts you down.You look back at him with a smile on your face "Thank you so much Cell! You helped me reach just in time! Oh how can I repay you back?" To which Cell simply chuckles "Well..maybe you can attend the Cell games and watch me fight? How about that eh?" You nod back with a smile "Of course! I'll be sure not to miss it!" Cell then replies back "Alright..get some sleep then hm? Goodnight." You smile "Goodnight to you two!" Cell then flies off to the arena presumably and you put a hand on your chest as you remember the small amount of time you spent with him,perhaps you really weren't all that different as you thought.


A/N:I hope you liked this one bi_goals I tried my best as usual and sorry if it seems a bit rushed and all lol

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