The Almost

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Over the next few weeks, Mattheo and I became the talk of Hogwarts. Seeing as we basically had to spend every waking moment with each other, EVERYONE thought we were a couple. It made me both happy and irate. One particular day caught me slightly off guard. Mattheo and I were walking the halls to our next class when we passed a small group of boys from our house (Slytherin of course) who were laughing. One boy in particular yelled at me, "Oh look! It's the death eater's slut!" before I could make a retort, Mattheo grabbed the boy and pushed him against the wall. "Say that again you incest fuck." I ran over to them. Mattheo slammed the guy against the wall and the boy yelped. "What the fuck are you doing Mattheo?" I hissed at him. He didn't take his eyes off the boy he held against the wall. "Mattheo, You're only going to make it worse. Please just let him go." the boy had started crying now. The whole hall was silent apart from the boy against the walls pathetic sniffles. Finally, Mattheo said, "Say that again and you will lose your fucking tongue. You understand me FuckFace?" the boy nodded profusely and Mattheo let go. Immediately we started walking away from the large group that had formed and when we were out of sight, I dragged Mattheo into a random closet. (Note: Walking into a random closet is a very unwise thing to do in a school that houses three-headed dogs but oh well). "What the hell was that, Mattheo?!" He was pacing around with pure fury in his eyes but not responding. "Mattheo? Mattheo!"

"That fuck head had no fucking right to talk about you like that. I should've ripped his fucking head off, I should've-" 

"Mattheo! You're acting insane just calm down. Mattheo!" I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands. "Look at me." I said a bit softer. "Everything is fine." he blinked a few times and calmed down. Our eyes were boring into each other. I forget how to breathe. He stepped a bit closer bringing his hands to mine. He took my hands off his face and held them. We were so close, I could almost taste the cigarettes on his breath. He took one of his hands to drag a finger from my temple to my chin, angling my face up. I shuddered slightly. He felt so nice. His eyes left mine just to study my lips that quivered without my permission. His lips parted. "Are you afraid of me Lucia?" He whispered the question, his breath tickling my face. I took in a shaky breath. "You make me nervous," I managed, "But I am not afraid of you." He fully cupped my cheek in his right hand and made circles on my cheekbone with his thumb. Electricity went down my spine. "Perhaps you should be." He wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer still, until our bodies were completely pressed against each other. He lowered his head until our lips were only a quarter of an inch away. My eyes closed in sweet anticipation and-                                                 The door to the closet opened. We jumped away from each other as quick as we could, I even banged my head on a shelf in the process, but it wasn't quick enough. Filch stood at the doorway, glaring at both of us. "You will visit the Head of Slytherin House with me immediately!" Filch's croaky voice made me visibly recoil. He turned and began walking away, clearly expecting us to follow. Mattheo and I looked at each other, the tension of the "Almost Kiss" lingering between us. I took a shaky breath, dropped my eyes and began following Filch to see the Head of Slytherin House. Severus Snape. My Father.

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