Chapter 13

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As soon as I sat on the bed. Taylor was shocked to see me. But then embarrassed and relief flooded her. "What are you doing here?" She groaned, burying her face on the pillow. I smiled and lifted my hand up to stroke her hair. She tensed when I started to stroke her hair but relaxes a bit.

"Harry?" She looks at me hesitantly. I looked down at her and hummed. "Yeah?" she bit her bottom lip and shook her head. "Never mind." I furrowed my eyes on her but let it slip anyway. My hand was still stroking her hair as her eyes started to flutter. Soon she was out as a light.

I wonder what shes about to tell me. I sigh and stood up before positioning her comfortably on the bed and pulled the covers up after taking her flats off. Kissing her forehead, as I let my lips linger there a bit longer. I smiled and pulled away from her and slowly waked out of the room. I checked my watch and it was already 11:30. My eyes widen. Im almost late for the tux fitting. I rushed down the stairs and bid Andrea and mum goodbye before taking my blazer and keys as I passed by the living room. And drove to the store.


Arriving there at exactly 12:00 o'clock. Austin, Taylor's brother was looking pissed as he started to pace around the room. Scott saw me first and pulled me in a hug before patting my back. Austin just stared at my outstretched hand and completely ignored me the rest of the afternoon. Austin is the best man as dad told me. Zayn, Liam, Ed and Louis were my groomsmen. Dad also told me that Taylor's bridesmaids were her best friend Selena who hates me. Jamie my former schoolmate in college who had a crush on me back then. Then Diana and Karlie. Abigail is her maid of honor since shes known Taylor longer than the rest.

I picked out a black tux. Nothing special but it was a good suit and it fits perfectly. Dad who had arrived awhile ago said that my hair should be slicked back so I would look more handsome and sexy which I just nodded and rolled my eyes. Huffing and puffing on the way out of the store and heading separate ways as we all bid goodbyes. I sighed and left the store before driving back home.

Seeing another car on the driveway which is on my spot. I parked just behind the car and turned the ignition off and got out of the car. Twirling the keys on my index finger and whistling to myself. I opened the door only to find the person I hated the most.


Waking up from my nap. I yawned and stretched my arms out and sighed contentedly before throwing the covers off my body. I didn't bother to change so I just run my hand through my hair a few times and walked out of the room. Walking slowly downstairs, I heard talking and laughter in the living room. The voices were familiar.

Are we having guests today? I thought confused. Mom and Anne said no guests would bother coming here unless its something important. Well then I guess the person talking to mom and Anne is saying something important. Just then I thought they were talking but I was wrong.

Stepping foot in the living room quickly. I can't help but gasp as I saw something I never thought I'd saw.


Clenching my jaw, my grip on the keys were tight that my knuckles turned white. I looked at mum and Andrea who was laughing and talking to the prick who was sitting on the couch and drinking tea. I took a deep breathe to control my breathing and faked a smile and announce my arrival.

"I'm back!" Mum stopped laughing but is still giggling to herself and walked towards me. Linking her arm on mine as she dragged me to the living room. "Harry, I cant believe the Horan's are back in town after so many years." Mum said and stopped in front of the beast who was staring at me with a grin on his face. Stretching my hand out for a shake he quickly shakes my hand and before I grip his hand he had already pulled away.

Andrea looked uncomfortable and gave me a look as if to say 'get-him-out-of-here' I nodded slowly, mum didn't know about Niall and Taylor so I cleared my throat and dragged Niall out of the living room but he shrugged my hand away. "What the hell do you think your doing?" he asked, feigning anger. I looked at mum and she looked back at me. "Can we talk?" I asked awkwardly. He scoff and shook his head. Mum and Andrea were looking at us.

"Theres nothing to talk about, Harry." He glared at me and I sighed, taking deep breathes to control my breathing and not to strangle him. "What are you doing here?"

"To congratulate you and your soon-to-be-wife." He smiled smugly. I rolled my eyes and said "Didn't you just congratulate us on the night I proposed?" I asked, crossing my arms around my chest. He lick his lips and I smiled innocently at him. Andrea and mum were looking at us with confusion in their eyes.

"Oh. Come on, Harry. Quit joking around will ya."

"Who says I'm joking?" I stepped closer to him. He looks at mum and Andrea for help and gulp. Fear creeping in his eyes but he held no emotion as he stared at me. Our faces were an inch closer and I can feel his breath. "Your only here for Taylor." I stated, he looks at me and smiled "Nope. I'm not. I'm here to congratulate you like I just said earlier." He was making nonsense excuses.

"Don't lie Horan. You only want my fiancé to come running back to you. Well guess what? Were getting married in a few days and you can't stop us." He gulps and I smirked. Pulling him by the collar of his shirt. I pushed him hard on the wall. He groans and mum and Andrea shrieks in horror. He stares at me and punches me on my face. My grip loosened and my hand flew to my cheek. I stared at my hand and saw blood. Licking my lips I taste the bitter taste of blood.

"You son of a bitch!" I lunged forward and we fell on the floor with a loud thud. Mum and Andrea were screaming for someone to stop us. My fist collided with Niall's jaw and he groans before pushing me on my back so he was on top and strangles me. His grip was getting tighter and tighter and I was losing air. Then Niall was suddenly pulled off of me. Coughing and trying to catch my breathe I felt someone pulled me up to my feet. Looking at the person, Taylor stood in front of me. Shouting something as I furrowed my eyes on her. Then everything went black from there.


Harry passed out on the couch as I tried to talked to him. Looking at the person who almost strangled him to death, I stepped forward him as paramedics started to clean his cuts. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" I roared, he stares at me as I was pulled back by my mother. "Let me go! He almost killed him!" I looked at mom and she shook her head.

"He started it." Niall said and I shook my head at him. I looked back at Harry who was being lifted of to the stretcher. I sighed and told my mom to let me go. Following them out of the house, I climbed in the ambulance and took Harrys hand in mine. As they cleaned his wounds up and stuck an iv on his arm. Praying that he would be alright.


Another short chapter. Yeah I know. Since you guys wanted an update already. So here it is! I would be busy the next week but I would try and update for you guys on the weekends since school is just starting. So hope you guys like it and don't forget to




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