Oneshot 1

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This oneshot starts off with our lovely Izuku Bakugou. Who is almost 8 months Prego with his and Katsuki's first child, and while stuck at home there's an incident.

Izuku's POV

Today i'm once again home alone without kaachan. Although. sometimes it's nice to have some time alone, but it always feels weird without him and his brash personality towards everything.

Except me thankfully, that's why I love him.

Usually at this time a day i'd be doing most of the house chores because I can't do hero work as a pregnant omega. After chores is tv time, then an afternoon nap! but I usually I wake up when I here kaachan come threw the front door and I hear his steps, but that didn't happen.

"Ok! Let's get this bed made and after I'll just do laundry, and then, uhh.. More chores!" I yell out enthusiastically.
-Stupid pregnancy brain.-

I love it when kaachan get home to a clean home and he always has that proud smile on his face as I give my routinely 'wellcome home' hugs, he said he adores.

Katsuki's POV

I love everything about izuku, from the soft green curls to the freckles that litter his skin in every crevice of his body. I mean every crevice 'cuss I've seen it all.

Today i'm looking forward to coming home early to spend more time with him; even a surprise snack because he's always hungry.

I make it to my front door, welcomed by our mixed scents of wood fire and candied apples. expecting my omega to pop out with a surprise hug, -which isn't a surprise anymore-, but he's no where to be found.

"Guess he's still taking a". I'm already missing his warth but I won't disturb him, he deserves it for taking care of the house.

" I'll just make something for 'em" just for when he wakes up hungry.

I make my way into the kitchen quietly and- "shit!" I nocked over a wannabe bottle of oil right after I put my apron on and now there's oil on the floor.

" Damnit. now I gotta clean this up first."

Izuku's POV

I jolt awake with a sudden thud from downstairs and check the time. What? It's too early for kaachan to be home... Is it a burglar!?

I get up from my comfy shared bed and grab a sweatshirt to wear and a bat in the corner of our room, making my way downstairs bearfoot, nervously waiting for something to jump out.

What I find is an open pantry door I don't remember opening.

"Huh?" who or what opened the pantry?

I make my way carefully keeping my eyes on the door, and as if magic I've slammed into the floor below me suddenly - *BAM!* -"Ahg..!? ahh~, neh..!?" I had slipped winding me, slamming my hip into the ground, hurting my back, it hurts horribly.

"Ahhh.. neh. ow, ow, owww" I start tearing up as I hold the left side of my lower back resting my head on other arm trying to collect my self to get up but the tears wouldn't stop, and had the smell of distress leaking from me, it felt like my back was on fire.

Then my mind went straight to my giant baby bump. And moved my hand over to my belly to feel it. I then cried harder when I was struck with another wave of pain, and put my hand back.

I groan & moan, and try to squirm out of this but it almost feels like my legs are a burning numbness, and wish kaachan was here to help me.

"Ahg~.. nnn, k-kaachan*sobs* come home.. *sobs*please come home. Help me." Izu wimpers hopelessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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