Ch.3 Liger?!

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Liger?! What does he mean?! that is just not possible! Sure there are Ligers that are born in captivity but never ever has there been a Liger animaloid before?! How is that possible?! As I think to myself I start to get dizzy. How dis Navii get upside down...?

"To?! Ruto?! Haruto?!" yelled Navii nervously. As I slowly started to comeback to reality I realized that I was laying down on my back on the floor of the roof.

"Huh? What? How did I end up on the ground...?"

"I told you I was a Liger and you started to freakout and before I new it you were laying on the ground mumbling shit." Navii said concerned.

"Yeah, how is that possible?!" I ask while staring into his eyes. He then looked away with conflicting emotions in his eyes. Just as he opened his mouth to say something the bell for class rang. He stood up then helped me up next.

"Navii, you don't have to tell me anything yet, I would like to know eventually but it is too soon. Lets go back to class, yeah?" I asked hoping to lighten the mood and change the subject obvious that Navii wasn't ready to talk about an apparently confusing and possibly touchy subject. As we reach the classroom I realize that we forgot our things on the roof.

"Navii, I-" I start but Navii cuts me off with a kiss to the lips in front of the whole classroom. I didn't know what to do, blush at the fact that I was kissed in front of my classmates, or pale because I was kissed infront of almost all my bullies.

"I will go get our stuff from the roof, wait for me at our seats." Navii askmanded me as he ran the stairs with in animaloid speed. As I turned to go sit I found I was surrounded by none other than Hana and her lackeys. Hana is the school... well bitch you could say, as her name indicates she looks like a flower, butt long slightly wavy black hair, tanish pale skin, and intense silver eyes, even though I am gay, I can still see a females beauty. Her lackeys are twins Maura and Caura, they have short brown hair and brown eyes. The last three are their boyfriends, Johney for Maura, Cash for Caura, and Seth for Hana, all the boys have medium short brown hair and brown eyes, they arn't related in the slightest.

"Yes?" I ask quietly, slightly scared for what is probably going to happen.

"Haruto, you good for nothing piece of crap, stay away from Navii, he is going to be in the cool crowd so stay away from him. He is only with you because he doesn't have us. He is new here and probably confused and is only doing what the teacher told him to do. Stay away from him or you are going to get it worse than when you usually do." as she finishes her sentence I have tears threatening to spill just as Navii comes through the door.

"Navii~!" calls Hana delightfully as she walks up to him and jumps up conecting her lips with his. Which doesn't bother Seth because he is only with her to have popularity and a good f*** every now and then. As Hana jumps down from kissing Navii I have tears freely running down my cheeks.

"I have decided!" Hana shouts happily. "You will be my new boyfriend!" she exclaims as she grabs Naviis' hand in hers. Navii just stairs at her with a blank face before it turns to one of anger.

"What do you mean?" he asks as he looks at her then turns his gaze towards me and it turns from anger to utmost furry.

"What happened to Haruto?" Navii asked Hana.

"What? I only told him the truth. That you don't need him, you don't belong with a mongrel like him, that he needs to leave you alone because you are only doing what the teacher sai-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because Navii had pushed her out of his path and into the other two boys, Johney and Cash and they all fell to the floor as he walked towards me. Navii walked over to me and hugged me, lifting me up. I wrapped my lags around Naviis' waist and my arms around his neck. I place me face in the crook of his neck and cry silently clinging onto him. He picks up our things and walks out the school with me still clinging onto him for dear life. He continues walking and walking, at some point I fell asleep in Naviis' arms and wake to the feeling of being lied down on something soft. I open my eyes and am in someones room on their bed. I feel something, or rather someone behind me and I turn around and am met with a hard white shirt covered chest and golden green eyes staring down at me.

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