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You scrolled through the pictures that had been posted, mostly just photos of the two of you seated holding hands while laughing and joking with each other, the posts accumulated a rather large amount of likes and reposts in the shorts time they had been up.  You couldn't help yourself from looking at the comments most of which were about Alessia -
" I didn't know she was gay"
" nah I am so jealous"
" wish that was me"
" is that her girlfriend"
You continue to scroll before you stop yourself at one - " no way she pulled Alessia Russo"  this one struck a nerve which Alessia noticed placing her head besides yours trying to read her phone upside down. She took a moment to read it before turning her head to the side and placing a gentle kiss to your cheek, whispering " they don't know what they are talking about" taking her phone back off you " let's go back" she put her arm around the back of you guiding you back towards your parents.

You both arrive back you taking a seat first and Alessia sitting beside you next to your mum " what's wrong" you mum asks looking at the both of you, your demeanour obviously different from earlier. Alessia and your mum both turn to look at your and all you can do is shrug your shoulders at her prompting Alessia to open her phone silently passing it to your mum. " oh god I am sorry" she says passing Alessia her phone back, Alessia just giving her a faint smile before the game begins again serving as a welcome distraction. 

As the second half continues you sit there just as freezing as before but determined not to use Alessia as you know how she feels about being out in public and her private life being put up out there. It wasn't until you starting shivering that Alessia noticed putting her arm around the back of your seat pulling you into her body rubbing your shoulder while also pulling your handing into her lap again this time just covering yours with one hand, which seemed to work just as well.

" lessi what about the cameras" you asked her concerned as you didn't want to add fuel to the fire aware that you were already trending. " I don't care" she answered firmly " yeh but..." " no I am living my life, nobody's gonna stop that. I don't care what they say because it's not true" she interrupts you before both of you smile at each other then turn your attention back to the pitch just in time for jacobs team to score. Everyone jumping to there feat applauding as your mum pulls Alessia into a hug and then your dad. Once the celebration die down you all take your seat again a rather quiet second half until the final whistle blows.  Your brothers team celebrating. You all make you way down to the side of the pitch where Jacob comes across to meet you all. Hugging your mum and dad first before coming over and hugging you and Alessia at the same time. He chats to all for a little while before going back for their trophy lift.

Once that is done he comes back over to the group of you with the trophy. Alessia taking your phone to take a picture of him with you, your mum and dad. " Alessia can I get a picture with you" Jacob asks almost nervously Alessia nodding " ye sure" handing you your phone back going to stand with Jacob.

Once all the photos were done,  you and Alessia decided you would start making your way back to your parents housing, neither of you still in the greatest mood after what happened earlier.

Once you get back to the house you can't help yourself from checking social media again, Alessia still trending, with the photos being splattered practically everywhere. Alessia once again noticing what you were looking at, this time pulling your phone out of your hands "ahh lessi what are you doing"  you ask pointing at your phone in her hand which she is carrying along with her own, looking at them both turning the volume of on both and placing them face down on a high shelve in your parents living room. " you don't need it right now" Alessia says walking towards you with a smirk on her face. " what exactly are we doing then" you ask sitting up on the edge of the couch " where's isy?" Alessia asks coming to stand in between your legs " at her friends for a sleepover" you answer placing your hands on either side of her waste " good" Alessia said quietly before leaning down placing her hand under your chin and tilting your head up towards her connecting your lips in a passionate kiss.

She then reaches done placing her hands just below your underarms and easily picking you up as if you were a child that weighed nothing. You opening you legs to wrap around the blondes abdomen " that was so hot" you almost moan connecting you lips with hers again. Alessia turns around on the spot now sitting down on the couch with you on her lap.  Her hand immediately goes to the waistband of your trousers unhooking the jeans you were wearing before putting her hands inside, rubbing you centre through the lace thong you were wearing, pulling it aside you feel her cold fingers gliding through your wet core for the first time making you moan loudly your body practically falling on top of Alessia as you bury your head in her neck trying to control yourself.   Increasing her pace while inserting a finger inside of you making you moan louder and Louder " less what if they come home" you just manage to get out in your breathless state " just relax" she says back to you, kissing the side of your head before adding another finger bringing you over the edge instantly " I'm ... im gonna cum" you moan as you reach you climax falling even more into Alessia while she just manages to hold you up enough to allow you to ride it out before you completely collapse in her arms out of breath with tears in your eyes at how amazing that experience was. Alessia removes her hand from your pants before wrapping both her arms back around you hugging you tightly.

" thank you baby" you eventually manage to speak lifting yourself up against her just in time for you to hear a car come up the driveway " why don't you go get yourself cleaned up, I'll go help your mum" Alessia says to you while standing up with you In her arms gently placing you to the ground with a kiss on your head, holding you for a second allowing your shaky legs to regain there balance before you both head your separate ways.

You went to the bathroom in order to tidy yourself up amazed by your own actions, the Y/N of the past would of never let anyone do what Alessia just did to you on your parents living room couch of all places but you weren't ashamed, you felt giddy and content maybe because of the way she made you feel or the safety you felt during it.

You couldn't help but wonder if this is what it felt like with the right person.

Returning to your family you found your dad sat on the couch watching tv, thankfully a different spot from where you and Alessia had been for your own sanity. While Alessia was in the kitchen sitting speaking to your mum with the same sweet and innocent smile she usually has plastered across her face as if nothing had happened.

Teddy Bear// A.Russo Where stories live. Discover now