chapter seven

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When Jeongguk wakes up, he realizes he isn't home. The apartment is way too modern, paintings everywhere and bookshelves covered with books.

''Oh, you're awake!'' Jeongguk recognizes the voice. It's Namjoon.

''Joon-hyung. What am I doing here?''

''Oh, did you really drink that much last night?'' Namjoon wonders out loud, and Jeongguk quickly concludes he's gotten back to the present day. Seeing he's in Namjoon's apartment, and he isn't being extremely professional nor rude, Jeongguk figures he and Namjoon are still like they used to be. Thank you photo booth.

''Yeah, sorry. Where's Jimin?''

''With Yoongi? I mean, probably, they are engaged after all.'' Thank god.

Jeongguk gets up in a hurry, grabbing his phone and the date doesn't exactly add up. Yoongi and Jimin's engagement party was supposed to be today, not yesterday.

''What about Taehyung? Is he...?''

''Wow, haven't heard that name in years. Last time you and I spoke about him, he got back together with an ex of his.''

Jeongguk stills, swallowing the fact that he and Taehyung aren't together. Even after they had the greatest night between them.


''Why do you look so bummed out? Are you okay?''

''Taehyung, he and I... I mean we— It's fate, hyung.'' Namjoon begins to laugh, his dimples shining through the room and Jeongguk wants to crumble down in pieces.

''What are you waiting for then? Go get him!'' Namjoon's encouragement is exactly what Jeongguk needs to sprint all the way to Taehyung's apartment. Fuck, this can either go terribly wrong or right.

Jeongguk doesn't care about the consequences, he's not going to let his chance with Taehyung go to waste. After all, if Yoongi could have the balls to admit to Jimin, while he's engaged with someone else that he's in love with him. Jeongguk can too.

The front door looks exactly the same, nothing new nor old and Jeongguk takes a deep breath before knocking.

Taehyung finally opens the door, wearing a turtleneck paired with black slacks. ''Jeongguk?''

''Taehyung, hi. Wow.'' Jeongguk may or may not be getting too distracted with how great Taehyung looks, but duty calls.

''I just wanted to come here and say that it's always been you.'' There's more than just that for Jeongguk to say, but that will make him sound like a crazy person. So, he keeps it short.


''I like you, a lot.'' Jeongguk feels as if a heavy weight has been lifted and for once in his life, he isn't in doubt about himself nor his feelings.

''I'm sorry, Jeongguk I—'' Taehyung starts, but has to pause when Ratatouille guy walks out and ruins the moment, or rather rejection.

''Hey babe, you ready to go?'' He ignores Jeongguk completely, holding onto Taehyung's waist instead.

''Give me two minutes.'' He obeys, leaving Taehyung and Jeongguk to talk things out.

''I thought there was something, between us.''

''Jeongguk. We haven't spoken for like, almost three years.'' The news stunned Jeongguk. How is that even possible? After everything? Everything was so perfect...

''That's not true entirely.''

''Okay, yes. We talked at Hoseok's Halloween party but I ended back with my ex, like I always do.'' He admits, and now Jeongguk finally feels what heartbreak is like.

''Taehyung, there must've been at least one moment in the time we've known each other where you felt something.'' He needs to hear it. He needs to know that he wasn't crazy for thinking it. That he and Taehyung are weirdly meant to be and always have been.

''Yeah, there was.'' Taehyung says carefully. ''But, it's too late now. I'm getting ready for a date. I'm sorry.''

''Okay, are you happy at least?''

Taehyung looks at him, not knowing what to say and it answers for Jeongguk.

''I have to go.'' Jeongguk lets him, being met with the front door and takes it upon himself to drink to heal his heartbroken heart.

When he arrives home, he never expects to see the photo booth from the café to sit perfectly in the living room.

Holy shit, did he buy the photo booth?

Jeongguk feels as if this will be his last chance if he puts a coin in and lets it take pictures. He knows what he did wrong. Yoongi and Jimin met too early. For Jeongguk to meet Taehyung, he needs to meet Jimin first. And when he finally becomes friend-zoned by Jimin, Jeongguk becomes close with Taehyung and everything was supposed to play out as it already was from the very beginning.

Wow, Jeon Jeongguk really is an idiot sometimes.

''Okay, one last chance.'' He closes his eyes after putting in his last coin, waiting for it to work its magic.

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