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"Yeah I think this is our first time meeting" Stevanna said nodding her head.

"You weren't at the wedding?" She asked referring to my wedding.

"No I had a acting gig that day" Stevanna chuckled lightly. "But it's nice to meet you"

Stevanna tried ending the conversation but Christopher's mother wasn't finished with her yet. "Yeah I would've noticed you since you two look just alike" she said smiling looking between me and Stevanna.

Christopher all of a sudden seemed tense in his seat. He had his elbows on the table holding his hands as if he was praying but it looked like a angry prayer.

"Boy you guys do have some strong genes in this family. She looks just like her aunty" she said smiling and laughing.

No one else laughed but her and Bryan. Bryan doesn't even know what's going on right now he's so innocent.

"You do look a lot like your aunt. You look more like her then your mom" Bryan said referring to Eliz.

I began to feel uncomfortable clearing my throat looking at Christopher. He looked just as uncomfortable as I was.

"Your mom, I'd love to meet her" Christopher's mother said smiling at Stevanna. "Why didn't she come today" she asked tilting her head.

"We're divorced so she's with her family today" Randy said jumping in.

She looked back between me and Stevanna with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry I just cannot  get over how much you two look alike. If I was mistaken I would've thought you two were mother and daughter, right" she said laughing.

"Is everybody enjoying they're food" Christopher asked the table changing the subject.

"Yeah who made this cornbread" Marlon asked.

"I did" I said smiling at him. "Christopher made the turkey"

"He did a good job" Bryan said.

"Thanks Bryan next time you better make us something instead of coming empty handed" Christopher said teasing him.

I couldn't just ignore what the fuck was going on like that. Christopher's mother knows something that she shouldn't.

The rest of the dinner got better as people started talking again. I couldn't really enjoy my company as I felt Christopher's mother staring at me the whole night. I had a bad feeling in my gut that she knew more than she was supposed too.

Eventually people started leaving after the dinner. Stevanna and Bryan stayed a little while longer. The two of them left leaving Christopher's mother to be the last person.

After walking Bryan and Stevanna to their car I bumped into Christopher and his mother at the front door. The three of us awkwardly looked at each other.

"Are you ok" I asked her.

"Yeah Janet why wouldn't I be ok?"

"You were being weird durning dinner—I— No let her talk" Christopher tried to interfere.

"I'm just concerned because you and your family are keeping secrets" she said with a smug look on her face.

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