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Ace - Main character Calico cat therian

Raz - Main character Artic fox therian

Fern - Main character red fox therian

Ripple - Main character Gray cat therian

Tangerine - Main character Orange cat therian

Feather - Main character Gray cat therian

Therian words:

Qaudrobics - Walking/trotting/cantering/running/sprinting on all fours like an animal

Therian - A person who sometimes has animalistic behaviour at times.

Gear - A Mask or tail that a therian might wear. Not all therians wear gear and not just therians where gear.

Newly awakened - A person who recently found out their a therian

Thereotype - The animal a therian is

Poly therian - A person with multiple thereotypes

Shifting - When you become a lot more connected to your animal or believe that you're your thereotype

Paleotherian - A dinosaur therian

Cladotherian - a therian who doesn't have a specific animal for example just being a canine instead of a wolf

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