Ch. 1

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Damiens POV -
I was running out of breath as I just ran into the forest, I run away from home and this shit happens to me, after I think I lost it I come to a stop to catch my breath

"What the hell was that..."

I whisper under my breath as I try to catch my breath and all of  a sudden a hear something, leaves crunching, my breath hitched, but it wasn't coming from behind me, it was coming from next to me, I was in an area that was cleared of any trees so it was just a circle with leaves all over the floor from it being the middle of August and it being fall

Crunch ... crunch

The sounds were closer now, but instead of 2 feet, there were 4..

"What the hell?" I thought to myself

Suddenly I felt cold air go around me with leaves lifting off the floor and laying back down, the air was almost freezing, it being fall didn't help it either


I heard the sound of 3 people whispering, it wasn't common for me to be nervous, but I was, I run away and this happens, some green creature thing with some of its head missing exposing the brain, and a bone showing through its leg, chases me into the woods, and now there's... people? Surrounding me, how could this get worse.

Out of no where, I hear a beautiful voice singing, the forest was close to the ocean and that was where the singing was coming from, I look in the up in the direction the singing was coming from and I saw something, a few things, 3 legs, 1 wearing a dress shoe, 1 looking like an animal, and the last one looking the exact same one as the one that was chasing me.

Ok... a few strange things about that. 1, why was there people in here in the middle of the night, 2, why did a leg look EXACTLY like the one that was chasing me, 3, why was there an animal walking on 2 legs, and 4, why were leaves lifted up off the ground a couple INCHES away from the other 3 legs? It was as if the air had just lifted up some of the leaves but that couldn't have been the case, the air was calm, calm enough to not move any dried leaves from the ground.

I decided to follow the singing in hopes of seeing who was in here with me, as I got closer to the water the wind got colder, I stopped behind some trees and saw 4 figures and... a floating flower?

The floating flower was very strange to me, but, I live in South Park, this wouldn't be the first time weird ass shit like this has happened before, but it was definitely a first that I would see a floating object, it's really fucking weird, 1 of the figures I saw was inside the water, I got closer and could make out what the figures looked like, well, the 3 that were out of the water,

The one on the left looked like it had horns, curled horns, like a ram, it had feet like a goat, and the body of a human, what was even weirder, was the tact it had another set of horns, horns like a demon, horns that were up straight and VERY pointy, it also had wings, wings like a demon, red on the outside, and black on the inside, it also had brown, short, kind of messy, hair and it was looking down at the figure in the water, I couldn't see its face though.

The figure in the middle had long, blonde hair, it was in a ponytail with hair gel pushing the front to the side, the person? Was awfully pale aswell, it had a a dark blue jacket, and with what I could see, a dark red bow-tie but I couldnt really tell, tight gray dress pants, and black, pointy-ish boots, it was bent down on one knee but not touching the floor, talking to the figure in the water.

The 3rd and final figure I could make out, had short orange hair, with gel making most of the hair go to one side while more gel kept the rest of the hair to the other side, it wore a dark, faded red, ragged suit jacket, with a white, dress shirt sticking out from the sleeves of the jacket and the collar of the shirt showing, the sleeves of the jacket were a little torn and the sleeves of the shirt folded up, and the figure had a small chunk of its head missing exposing the brain, and a part of the leg missing showing a bone, it was looking down at the figure in the water as well.

I could only see the shadow of the figure in the water, it seemed to have long, wavy, hair, with horns on the side of the figures head, it seemed to be wearing a blouse with the sleeves ruffles at the end, and it's elbows were on the floor infront of it, with its head leaning on its hands.

Crunch, snap

"Fuck." I thought to myself

I moved a step trying to get a closer look, and I had stepped on my crunchy leaves and a twig that had snapped.

All 3 figures seemed to have heard it, cause they all looked up immediately after the twig snapped.

I felt air around me, cold air, it was going in circle, but it was going slowly, but I also saw... the floating flower. The flower was circling around me. I decided the best way to get put of this mess was make a run for it.

After the gush of wind passed my face again I made a run for it, I didn't know where I was bur I just kept running, I couldn't give 2 flying fucks though. All that I could think of were the 4 figures and the floating flower. I just kept running and running in hoped of losing them. It was around 1:30AM now, I knew my way back home so, that's where I went, it took me a long time though because I was lost for some time so when I got back home it was now 2AM, I crawled back into my window, hoping I lost them if they were chasing me, and I just laid in bed thinking about everything I've seen tonight. But slowly... I drifted go sleep.
This is shit but whatever, if there's like typos or anything just ignore them cause I'm not proofreading this so... it might make sense but who gaf. I don't that's for sure 🤷🏽‍♀️

Word count: 1138 words

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