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A/n pov:

At penthouse:

Raj and Harsha came back from the hospital and Raj sent Harsha to her room for taking some rest..

On the way back none of them said anything... even though Raj wanted to say something to her but he didn't have the courage to do it

He also strictly told the maids to pay special attention to her health...and to make sure that she takes her medication on time..

Talking about Harsha she was now thinking about what Raj will do next....surely it was unexpected for him.

This was making her a little bit scared but there was another feeling too...She knew that he would never harm her or her baby..
Thinking about all these things....she started remembering Yatharth and how he would have reacted after listening about her pregnancy..he would have been so happy..

At Raj's room:

He was sitting on the bed while holding the couple bracelet which he brought for him and her

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He was sitting on the bed while holding the couple bracelet which he brought for him and her....

That day was the happiest day of his life....where he took his and her relationship to next level but.....everything got destroyed because of one damn misunderstanding

Tears started rolling down his eyes as he remembered those days...he puts down the bracelet in his drawer..

He sniffed and interlocked his fingers...
RAJ understood what he have to do now..

Time skips~

Raj was standing in front of her room being nervous...after gathering all his courage and thinking for two hours he decided to finally talk with her....

He managed to knock on the door and a faint come in was heard for inside
He opened the door to see Harsha sitting on bed..

Raj: ummm how are you feeling now ?

He said while coming near her bed and Harsha replied

Harsha: I'm feeling better now....thank you for taking me to the hospital

Raj: it''s was my duty anyways

Harsha: Why are you standing please sit...

Raj: thanks

He sit at the edge of the bed and Harsha looks towards him..

For five minutes he didn't say a single word and Harsha stared at him in confusion

Harsha: Aapko kuch bolna tha ?

Raj: Huh? Haan...

Harsha: Okay......boliye

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