From the beginning

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Adrien and Jesse were always linked to one another from the start, they did grow up together after all... Even though they grew up going to the same school, participating in the same activities, and pretty much having everything in common, you would think they would get along right? Wrong. The truth is that ever since Adrien met Jesse he didn't want anything to do with him, Adrien despised Jesse. Jesse never really understood why Adrien never liked him, after all, they had so much in common. Jesse actually tried at one point befriending Adrien but that idea was quickly shut down when Adrien found out that him and Jesse were tied for class valedictorian. The moment word got to Adrien that he was competing with Jesse, his enemy, all he could think about was beating Jesse to a pulp. "How could he do this?! That good for nothing piece of shit! Everyone knows I was going to become class valedictorian! Damnit, all I could do now is attempt to study harder and hope that jackass won't win." Nobody really heard much from Adrien after that since all he would do was go to school and study right after he got home from school, leaving little to no room to have any sort of interaction with anyone else. Even though Adrien didn't have many friends and and normally went unnoticed, after a while of him not showing up to school somebody did notice. Jesse noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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