Tempest vs Charybdis (P/2)

508 24 74

Jura Forest
Narrators POV

Rimuru: That's one giant bastard.

Rimuru, afloat in the air, only watched the massive figure of Charybdis with awe.

It's shiny scales that looked like rocks, it's glowing red eyes, it's majestic long tail.

Infront of it, in terms of size, Rimuru looked like an ant.

Rimuru: This... Might be a problem.

There were thousands of Megalodons scattered in all directions, standing motionless and not attacking. As if they were waiting for something.

An estimate of 1019 Megalodons were present in the air.

Compared to Tempests troops, they were outnumbered. Tempest had over 10000 troops ready to engage in battle.

Nearly a 2,000 orcs standing as defence with their shields.

An 1000 Dragonewts floating in the sky with spears colored teal blue.

Nearly 5000 Hobgoblins ready to engage in battle with magic and weapons.

A 1000 Ogres with their swords bustling in orange flames.

The Gozu and Mezu wielding maces and greataxes, numbering 1500.

About 400 Direwolves with several Star Wolves.

Rimuru: Uri, you said it needed corpses to summon Megalodons...

Uri: I did, but i believe it may have bypassed that restriction with this new evolution of it.

Moreover, Charybdis seemed to be having alot more magicules then it should've.

Back then, it barely had reached the millions with it's EP...

However, now, it seemed to rival that of what they possessed.

Rimuru: 3 times... 5 times? No, it's greater then that... Does 10 times work?

It's magicules greatly surpassed theirs for some reason.

Even if it was sealed for 500 or so years, even if it was sealed for a long time...

Was it possible to gather so much magicules in such a period of time? It didn't make sense for it to possess Magicules rivalling that of True Dragons.

Rimuru: Hey, isn't this a bit far fetched?

Uri: Yeah, it is. It should've only had magicules rivalling ours, yet it's almost the same as him...

The troops of Tempest, aerial and ground, readied their weapons to strike down the Megalodons.

All of them could sense it, they could easily tell that this will be one hell of a brutal fight.

Uri: How...

Rimuru: !

An attack was incoming.

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