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Mikey's earliest memories were of his brothers. His big brothers that he so admired. His smart brother, Dee that really liked robots and could fix Mikey's toys, his big brother Waphie (Mikey had trouble pronouncing R's)
that is super strong and would protect him from the scary images on the TV, and lastly, his oldest brother Lee-Lee that would hug him and protect him from the monsters under his bed or in his closet, and he would always rub Mikey's shell when he was crying from a bad dream. Mikey looked upon his big brother now, and his eyes teared up, shock and pain filled Leo's eyes as he looked down and saw an arrow stabbing through his plastron. Leo fell to the ground in one swift movement, and Mikey ran over to him, as Mikey fell to his hands and knees, Leo closed his eyes in an attempt to stop the pain. Mikey gently hugged his big brother, sobbing into his plastron. Mikey lifted his head and looked over Leo's bruised and broken body, his face scrunched with pain and Mikey's tears fell again, he only opened his eyes when he felt a hand on his face. He looked at Leo's face again, and instead of a look of agony, Leo smiled at him. Mikey felt even more guilty, and angry at himself. He took Leo's hand and buried his face in it, hoping to awaken from this horrible nightmare, but nothing changed. Leo muttered words that Mikey was deaf to, the only thing Mikey heard was a nagging ringing in his ears. And suddenly, Mikey felt like a child again, wailing and crying for his big brother, that would never hug him again, that would never scold him again and he would never again hear Leonardo say "I love you little brother" with his calm and sweet voice again. He's gone now. And Mikey had to accept that,

it was all his fault.

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