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The sounds of suitcase wheels dragging across pavement floor accompanied by muffled footsteps rushing across private landing area was all that was heard on this freezing night.

The air was dry and its stinging cold drew itself under Karlie's sleek winter coat, her face pale with a hint of blush on the tip of her nose.

Her limbs were tense and her jaw clenched with dread, the emerald green her eyes once were now a somber grey.

Even if she wanted to drop her packed bags and run back home crying, she couldn't.

The frosting wind blew away any desolate tears that dared to fall from her eyes and numbed the burning sensation her heart was at war with.

Karlie's mind kept repeating Taylor's drunken words from that nights phone call like a film reel, unfearful to withdraw from its loop.

It was constantly on replay, putting her at a constant state of misery.

"I don't miss you at all, and I don't want you." It rang.

Eleven simple words, coated in distaste and pure hatred.

If her heart wasn't already shattered, it was now beaten to a pulp.

Her willpower to do things right for a change veiled her battered soul and made everything self destructive in the end.

She had been trying to swallow the heavy lump in her throat for hours now, yet with every minute it grew larger - the more and more uncontrollable it was for Karlie to handle.

This lump of staggering emotions was covered in gasoline.

It coated her hands, her neck, her mouth, her lips - everywhere.

And Taylor was a fire.

Now only the lingering taste of her was all that sparked the few, little flames that would arise in Karlie's system.

Only it yearned for more.

Karlie ached for the terrifying, yet electrifying sensation of Taylor.

New York was awaiting in a mere few hours, and maybe the sight of Taylor was all she needed.

Even if she could only watch from a distance, maybe it would put her at ease.

For now, Taylor was coaxing the cold right out of her - lighting her nerves with a match to a flame.

So as Karlie strode through the silent night and approached her private plane, her throat grew bitter from the taste of the fire slowly spreading to every part of her body Taylor had once claimed hers.

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