Chapter One

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There were a few things Miles knew about his post-Spot universe.

Miguel was an asshole, and if Miles saw him again he'd knock those fangs out of his mouth.Miles' parents were going to kill him the second he got back to the apartment after the final fight.He definitely had a big fat boy-kisser crush on Hobie Brown.

The crush had come as a genuine surprise to Miles. He'd been so busy trying to get over the betrayal of his "friends", keep his dad alive, escape Earth-42 with his intestines inside his stomach, and stop Miguel from being an angsty prick, that he hadn't even noticed the crush he'd been slowly developing for the punk. Honestly, despite the initial surprise, Miles had to admit it made sense. He had a type; headstrong, confident, funny, beautiful, honest, and skilled. It was the reason he'd been crushing on Gwen (before it'd been revealed that she lacked several of those qualities), and it was the reason he was crushing on Hobie.

However, Hobie possessed something Gwen didn't have - something Miles couldn't quite name. Gwen was beautiful and alluring in a one-dimensional way. Her goals were clear and simple, as were her relationships with others, but she lacked the depth Hobie had. She was a great spider-woman and a shitty friend. It was like Gwen needed to be led into doing the right thing, while Hobie just immediatley did it. Hobie and Pavitr were the only ones who hadn't straight up hidden the truth from him, and Miles knew that if Hobie had been the one to come through the collider instead of Gwen, the punk teen would've gone to see him and immediately tell him what was up.

The final fight had created this tension between the two teen boys, leaving behind something neither of them were choosing to acknowledge. Miles saw it, though, in the way Hobie looked at him. There was a softness in the boy's eyes, one that was slowly growing with every encounter, that Hobie didn't have for anyone else. Miles couldn't tell if the newfound connection was platonic or not, but it was definitely there. The two of them fought like they'd known each other for years, and not a matter of days. They fought like they were extensions of each other - like they were the same person split into two. In some way, they completed each other.

The confrontation with Spot had been insane - spider-people colliding in the sky, attacking each other as Miles' people faced off Miguel's drones while Miles defeated Spot. For a moment in the end, Miles didn't think that he'd be able to save his dad. The rubble was falling, and he was just too far. Panic and adrenaline had gripped him in a way it never had before. Every nerve in his body was on fire, and then Hobie came. The punk had grabbed his ankle and spun him, throwing him those few extra feet and holding off Spot so Miles could save his father. When Miles turned around and saw Hobie facing off against Spot without a hint of fear, Miles knew. He knew this was the end of him.

Currently, Miles and company were limping their way off the scene. Miles' phone was blowing up with texts and calls from his parents, who had gone home to go looking for him. Miles was just glad they were both uninjured enough to make it home instead of having to go to the hospital. Miles limped, trembling with exhaustion and the impeding adrenaline crash. Before he could stumble, Hobie was there, gently pressing against Miles' side. Miles sighed as he felt himself relax against Hobie automatically. Something about the boy made Miles feel so safe. In this world, that was a rarity, especially post-betrayal.

"Y'alright, bruv?" Miles savored Hobie's thick Cockney accent, which seemed even thicker in the punk's exhausted state. Miles just nodded and leaned against him slightly. Hobie took it in stride, supporting him like it was nothing. Miles could feel the rest of the group's eyes on them, but he didn't care. With the way they'd treated him (sans Pavitr), they could all get fucked. "Y'did well, mate. You're summat else."

"You're one to talk, Hobie. I've never met a better Spiderman." Miles' voice was rough and hoarse with all the screaming he'd been doing, but his tone was still tinged with admiration. "Thank you. For everything." Miles whispered. Hobie looked down at him, and if Miles didn't know better, he'd think the boy was blushing. Hobie shook his head as if dismissing Miles' gratitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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