Part- 2

238 21 7

Not every scolding is out of anger..
Some are because of care..



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Sanvi pov- today's day was the worst day i sprained my ankle , and then Rishi shouted on me and moreover i missed my concert for which i was waiting from last one month..stupid day [cursing the day she fall asleep].

Rishi pov- i should not have shouted on her , first she was hurt and i shouted on her , i'm such a stupid friend....i have to make it up ,, i have to do something for her..[ he called someone and after talking to them he also slept].

Next day

Sanvi- aarav where is rishi he was not in the class also..

Aarav- don't know anvi he didn't told me anything about it..

Sanvi- he is really stupid yesterday he shouted on me and today he is absent , i'm not gonna talk with him for a week.. stupid brat..

Rishi- who is cursing me.

Sanvi- me..,,any problem

Aarav- where were you bro , you haven't seen since morning..

Rishi- woh i was a little busy.

Sanvi- yes yes aarav he must be busy , he have much important works to do other than us..

Rishi- i was busy in preparing an apology gift for our dear anvi [ he said while while handling sanvi an envelope].

Sanvi- what is it..

Rishi- see by yourself .. but for that you have to open that envelope dumbo..

Sanvi- you are dumbo , she said while opening the envelope..[she hugged rishi tightly as soon as she opened the envelope].

Aarav- hey what it is..

Sanvi- its.. its ..its darshan rawal's concert tickets ..yayy she said while showing the tickets to Aarav..

Sanvi- but how did you get this tickets of his next concert before a month..

Rishi- because one of my friend is in this stuff so it is not difficult for me to get three tickets.. and this time don't do any stupidity like before.. understand..

Sanvi- you should have told me earlier i won't have to do that much hardwork to get those tickets..

Rishi- ok from now whatever you want , you should tell me before..

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