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He was driving her nuts! Ever since they had snuck out of the hospital-which had taken Tatiana much of threatening and pushing, because the driver was scared of everything since those guys had barged into his room- and drove off, he kept staring at her.
Occasionally he looked away and tapped on the door with his fingers, but it was so annoying. "Stop it!', she yelled when he started the tapping again. "And quit staring at me! It's driving me crazy!', he snorted and looked outside again. "What?', she said slowly. "I don't think I can make you more crazy than you already are', he said. "What?', but this time, instead of sounding angry, Tatiana laughed. "You think I'm- I'm crazy?', her laughs interrupted the sentence. "Oh boy', she pretended to wipe away a tear and focused on the road again. "You don't know me, kid. You don't know a thing about me', "stop calling me kid, I have a name you know', "oh wow.' She replied sarcastically. "The name's Lando', he crossed his arms and looked outside again. "I know, Lando Norris', she said. His gaze flew back to her. "My name's Tatiana, nothing more, nothing less', she said with a grin on her face.

The next five minutes it was finally quiet. But then the driver opened his mouth again: "what did those guys want from me?', he asked. "I already told you, the flash drive', instinctively her hand went to her coat pocket. "Yes, but why?', she pressed a hand against her eye. "I'm a spy, okay? I work for a secret organization, and don't ask me which one, and I had to bring that flash drive to the other side of the world. But those guys found me, so I temporarily hid it in your bag', "are you being serious right now?' He sounded so surprised. "No, I'm just kidding because I am worlds best comedian and they have asked me to take you out of the hospital so I would have a great story', she said sarcastically. He seemed to actually think about what she had just said. "I'm a spy', she sighed. "And I took you with me to protect you', "how did you even get in the paddock?', he asked surprised. "I'm a spy, kid. I know people', she winked at him when he looked at her, annoyed because she had called him kid, again.
"So, why did you kidnap me?', "I Landonapped you', she said, winking again. He didn't laugh. Great. She wasn't planning on explaining the joke to him. "I took you with me to... protect you, as I already said', she explained. Norris clearly didn't understand it. "Look... Lando, those guys now know that you have something to do with the- with my work. So they will come after you, and maybe your friends', she said the last thing more quiet than the rest of her sentence, "so I'm taking you to a safe house. After that I'll be moving on. The minute I'm done I'll report it to my boss that you're in that house and they'll come pick you up.'

He was flabbergasted. Tatiana looked at the road again and smiled. "Wait a minute, are my friends in danger?', her smile was gone in a split second. "Don't worry about it, I'll report that to my boss as well', she said quickly. She wasn't used to this kind of things happening while she was working, she wasn't used to this kind of task though.
"You are not dropping me of at some house while the.. the mafia is chasing me!', before she could answer he let his head rest against the window. "Do you have some kind of painkiller or something like that?', he asked calmly. "My head hurts', "I don't, but there must be some medicines in the safe house', "we're not going to the safe house', he sighed. "I want to help you bring your stupid flash drive to that boss of yours and save my friends', he sounded tired. "Fine', Tatiana sighed. She dared to look at him and noticed that he really was tired. "Rest your eyes, it's going to be a long ride', he squinted his eyes and shook his head. "I don't trust you', she smirked at him. "As you shouldn't.'


"Hey kid, wake up', she shook his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up. "We're there', "already?' The driver yawned and looked around. "Not there, far from. We're at the safe house', "what?' He pushed her aside and got out of the car. Tatiana crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Why did you bring me here? I told you I'd go with you!', "relax!' She put her hands in the air. Damn, this kid really didn't know a thing. "You have to put on some new clothes, no? And I wanted to give you your damn medicine', he froze.
"Come', she walked towards the big house and looked behind her to check whether Norris was following her or not. He looked at the safe house in surprise, and she agreed with him. It was a really big house, the people that had to stay here were hidden in plain sight. She typed in the password and the big door opened with a click. Once again, she looked behind her to see that the driver had followed her. Good. She thought. He'll never see it coming.

She went to the kitchen and took a glass out of a cupboard that was hanging above the luxury counter. She filled the glass with some water and drank while watching the driver. "The bathroom is over there, the second door to your right', she said while pointing towards a hallway to her right. Norris hesitated. "You're not going to lock me op, are you?', he asked. "I'm not', she lied. Slowly he went towards the bathroom.
Tatiana put her glass down and leaned against the counter. She sighed. She really was going to do it. She hoped this wasn't putting the driver in danger. No, she wasn't.

She stood upright and walked towards the door. She heard running water and sighed again. It felt wrong, why did it feel wrong? She was doing the right thing!
She quietly closed the door and started to activate the lock. But at that moment, just then, the driver had decided to get out of the bathroom. He saw her standing outside and ran towards the door. "Shit', she muttered. He opened the door and pushed her aside. "What are you doing? You said you wouldn't lock me up!', he yelled at her. "I'm protecting you, you idiot!', she yelled back. "I am coming with you. I am going to help you to get that stupid flash drive of yours to your boss and protect my friends', he said with gritted teeth. "Fine', she spitted. "Let's go.'

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