Chapter 2:The Human

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You might be wondering who the human was, a killer a mercenary or a simple human?
Well, he was the simplest human you can think of, a 23 years old Japanese kid who had transferred in New York a week prior and got lost in the city.

Our beloved angel was walking around his massive apartment on 5 floors when he saw the human wandering in the lower. He smirked, until he saw the little human's face, two deep black eyes, soft features and a pair of plumpy pouty lips. Immediately his eyes widened and he ran to the entrance of his apartment, the young boy was only one floor under.

As the boy was in front of the doors he opened them with a snap of fingers. "Sorry sir, I-I got lost a-and " the younger started but he interrupted him. "Beautiful, don't worry, come here, are you alone?" He asked with a soft voice holding his hand out for the boy to grab. The younger blushed but nodded grabbing the hand.
"I'-I'm Yuki" He said as soon as he was inside before the other snapped his fingers again closing the doors and scaring the boy a bit

"The name is Yasha, my beautiful snowflake, come" The angel said back smirking while accompanying the younger to the first living room with a hand on his back. As soon as they were sat on the older's couch Yasha got a glass of water for the younger.

"Thank you sir, do you live here alone sir, it looks big" Yuki asked before drinking quickly the water. "I do, my snowflake, I like bigger spaces. So, where were you supposed to go Yuki? You can call me Yasha by the way, don't worry" the older asked still on his feet in front of the younger

"I was looking for my friends' apartment, but I think I came in the wrong place, because, well" Yuki said gesticulating to indicate the apartment. Yasha nodded. "What's his name, maybe I know him, I know a lot of people?" Yasha asked while he poured some whiskey in a glass for himself.

"Pierre, we became friends on uuh Instagram" Yuki said unsure and the other smiled. "What meeting app was it, mh, Grindr?" Yasha asked and Yuki nodded shily making him smile and mess up his hair for the sweetness. "Don't be shy snowflake, I'm gay too, it's normal, wanting to find someone. He lives near here, just the building next to this, you didn't get it so wrong snowflake" the older said smirking before downing his whiskey.

"Why do you call me snowflake?" Yuki asked shily. "Because the original way to write your name means snow, and you're pretty and delicate, so, snowflake" Yasha explained making the other blush.

"It's the first time someone calls me pretty" Yuki admitted and the other looked at him strangely. "They must all be blind to not think you're pretty, snowflake" he exclaimed looking at the younger. "What about Pierre, he didn't call you pretty, snowflake?" Yasha asked genuinely curious. "We never saw each other in face, I didn't want to risk" Yuki answered and Yasha nodded. "You're smart snowflake, you did the right thing" The angel said smiling and ruffling his hair again.

"You like my hair?" Yuki asked and the other nodded. "Yes, I do, they're soft and they suit you well" he answered and the other smiled. "I like yours too, it's rare to see someone so young with white hair but they suit you really well, your black eyes show a lot more" Yuki said and the older blushed this time making the other smile.
"Thanks, No one had ever made compliments about me either" The older said smiling. "Something in common I guess" Yuki said laughing and Yasha laughed too. "Your laugh is beautiful" they said in the same moment, both blushing deeply.

In that moment Yuki looked outside of the glass wall in front of them and saw the sun almost at dawn. "Oh my God, when did it get so late, Pierre is probably so worried" he said panicking a bit. "Time flies when you have fun, eh. Don't worry about Pierre, send him a message, tell him you're okay and if he cares he won't be angry." The angel suggested and Yuki nodded. "Thank  you, I was panicking" The younger thanked before getting his phone and quickly writing a message.

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