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The clones were walking out of the principal's office.

Sekido had a scowl on his face, urogi was just grinning, karaku was also grinning, while aizetsu had a look of shame

"Fucking bitch.."sekido grumbled clearly pissed he was sent to the principal's office because of his brothers (minus aizetsu)

"Now would you look at that!"karaku grinned as he put his arms on sekido's shoulder "our 15th time getting sent to the office! Isn't that great?!"

Aizetsu frowned at his brother's statement "how is that great...getting yelled at makes me sad"

"Well we're just a few steps ahead in beating douma's principal office score!"

Sekido had an irk mark on his forehead, he shoved karaku's hand off of him "FUCK DOUMA'S SCORE! If we keep this up we're going to get fucking suspended! I don't want to deal with Hatengu's yapping about fighting and shit!" Sekido yelled before harshly hitting karaku and urogi's head

"Dude!" Urogi and karaku yelled in union while rubbing the back of their head

"Oh the shame of it all, it saddens me.."aizetsu said clearly disappointed
At his brothers' actions

While the clones were arguing a familiar figure suddenly ran towards them and tackled them in a hug

The clones were surprised by the sudden action

Before sekido could start shouting he suddenly realized who tackled them

"You whores!" You shouted as you pull away from the hug "why the hell were you four fighting!?"

The clones stayed silent while they watch you shout at them angrily for fighting

You sighed before checking them "you guys are such idiots why were you even fighting?" You asked

Karaku and urogi looked away in shame while sekido and aizetsu just stared at you

You deadpanned their silence
"Alright fine don't tell me, but you guys are still dumbasses for getting in trouble"

They nodded shamefully

You slightly chuckled at their antics before patting their heads
"Just don't fight anymore alright?'

The clones who were looking away were now facing you as you pat their heads, a slight pink tint appeared on their cheeks

They all nodded in union

Aizetsu just looked at you
A doubtful look in his eyes
"Are you still mad...?" He said as he got closer

"Please..don't be mad..,seeing you mad saddens me.."

Your face reddens as aizetsu got closer to the point that your nose is touching

You were weak when it comes to aizetsu begging

You then looked away flustered
"I-im not mad.."your voice was barely above a whisper considering the fact that aizetsu was really close he eventually heard you

He smiled before retreating back to his brother's side

The rest of the clones looked at aizetsu shocked at how he was Able to make someone flustered just by being depressed

Karaku suddenly looked at urogi
'did he just Rizz someone?'

Urogi nodded understanding
'he did'

As the two clones stare at each other the others were looking at them as if they grew two heads

You looked at sekido
"Are they ok?"
You said your voice filling with worry and concern

"They never were"sekido just shook his head while aizetsu stared at them

"Such a meaningful conversation.."



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