Chapter 1

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I was starting to get ready for my performance in the circus. There were a lot of people cheering and yelling full of joy.

I was really confident that I'm going to pull of a great performance and I was going to impress them. Even though the most of them came to see Vitaly, I mean his performances are really impressive and really good who's to blame them.

Vitaly the macho Russian tiger, grew up to be the star performer because of his act in jumping through hoops with such grace and speed it was as if he were flying, constantly pushing how far he could go by using increasingly smaller rings to jump through.I know isn't it cool?

As for me I was doing acro dancing, and I was really good at it , for those who don't know what it is, Acro dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements.

This is in contrast to acrobatic, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, which are sports that employ dance elements in a gymnastics context under the auspices of a governing gymnastics organization (such as FIG) and subject to a Code of Points.

Acro is an especially challenging dance style for dancers as it requires them to be trained in both dance and acrobatic skills.

I have been acro dancing since I was a cup so I was really flexible.

Right now I'm practicing as well with the other performers(I don't know how else to call them) and then I see Stefano approaching me slowly with a big smile on his face.

Stefano:"Omg I just know that you're going to do a fantastic job once again and you're going to express them all Senõra".

I smile at his comment as I say
"Says you you're really good as well not only you and me but all of us and I know we're going to impress the crowd once again and we will finally performe to Italy"I say with a wide smile as Stefano nods his head in agreement.

Stefano:"Yes I know I'm so excited,also you're going to perform after Vitaly so get ready because he is going to perform in 5 minutes"I smile at him to hide my nervousness ,I just have a bad feeling that something might happen

"Okay then, thank you Stefano"I say to him as he starts leaving,and I let a anxious sigh, thinking I am finally alone but Gia heard me and came closer.

Gia:"Hey are you okay?"She asks me worried with am Italian accent

"Yes I'm okay,I'm okay I just have this feeling that something might go wrong you know and im really scared" I say, Gia is the only one that I can trust at this moment and she could also understand me, I trust Stefano to but I didn't want too ruin his excitement.

Gia looks at me with worry on her eyes but also with a look that means she understands what's going wrong
"Look being in here and stressing out won't solve anything you have to think positive, you can't start panicking or stressing out in a time like this,trust me everything will go okay".

I look at her and nod as I see Vitaly getting ready to go on stage, I sigh,
"Okay I will start thinking more positive" I say while looking at her
She nods her head and smiles proudly at me.

Then I happen to make eye contact with Vitaly as both mine and his eyes widen at the sadden eye contact, I smile at him "Good luck out there I know you will do good as you always do." His eyes widen more  as he started saying "Good luck to you too, I know you will leave them amazed by your performance"and with that we braked eye contact.

Now his applying oil all over him and runs straight to the stage as the crowd went wild when they saw him people cheering and screaming his name.

In the stage there was also Stefano putting one ring smaller than the other as Vitaly was jumping right through them all ,that was until Stefano putted the smallest ring ever that you could hardly go through as he also set it on fire wich Vitaly demanded him too.

As all this was happening I had my paws in front of the other performers protectively trying to keep them away from harm.

Vitaly lubricated himself with olive oil and attempted to jump through,only to be catastrophically burnt, with Stefano saving him via a Fire extinguisher.

After all that his regrown fur was brittle, and he lost his confidence, dignity, wife, as well as his passion. He became bitter, stopped taking risks, and drowned his sorrows in borscht soup.

We all tried to talk to him but it was no use he would either push as away or lock himself in his room all day and night only going out to eat.

We were all miserable without him I WAS miserable without him I missed the old him so much.

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