chapter 11

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Lenexa pov

It's been almost a month since our last conversation. I moved to one of my other houses to live since I didn't want her to suspect anything when her father brought up the issues of marriage.

It wasn't really hard to convince everyone that Katie's father held debt to go collect Their money from him. She was in her office doing some paperwork when Katie's father came to see her.

"Ms Alexander, someone is here to see you," her PA said on the intercom.

" Let him in,"she said as she dropped it. There was a knock on her door and she asked the person to come in.

"Mr Humphrey, it's nice to see you again," she said, smiling mischievously.

"Same here, I need your help, Miss Alexander," he said, still standing.

"You can have your seat and talk to me about what you want me to help you with". She replied to him by scribbling some things on a piece of paper.

"Hmm… miss Alexander I need some money, you see most of the money I used to gamble. I borrowed them and the people who had lent me the money are back for the money even though it is not due yet. I have been pleading with them but they turned deaf ears to me and only threaten me, please miss Alexander, can you lend me the money".

" Hmm… so how much are we talking about here" she asked looking directly at him she could see him gulp.

" About 8 million".

"You must be kidding Mr Humphrey, how on earth do you borrow such an amount and spend it all on gambling, Because from what I know you didn't spend a dime on Katie when she was in school. '' Lenexa said calmly but pissed.

"Please help me," he said with a broken voice.

"So if I eventually help you with the money, what will I get in return, hmmm? " Lenexa said, looking directly at him.

"I can give you my car, house and pay you the remaining in 5 years time" Lenexa knitted her brows. "please ma I promise I will pay." Mr Humphrey begged.

"There's only one thing you can pay me for including taking your car, you can keep your house, you will have to agree to this deal without a no or complaints"  Lenexa stated.

"And what will that be" he asked

"And that's you will sign a contract of giving me everything that belongs to you except your house and the marriage of your daughter to me" Lenexa spoke as she saw Mr Humphrey stood up.

"No I can't do that, she already leaving with you is enough" Humphrey shouted.

"ok, you can leave my office now, I can't help you. You are supposed to consider this a lucky deal if your daughter marries me and has wealth in her life. Lenexa said, seeing that he was already defeated.

"ok when can I sign the papers" Lenexa lifted her brows

"Come back tomorrow and you Will have everything signed" with that Humphrey stood up and left without saying another word.

Lenexa threw he fist bump in the air. She wasn't expecting it to be this easy. She took her phone and immediately called her sister who picked up the first ring.

"Ok this usually you never call, so what got your pants twisted today" she asked while typing furiously on her computer.

"He agreed, without much threatening or anything he agreed" Lenexa said so happy

"Does it not look a little suspicious to you, that he accepted without an argument" she asked all her attention now on Lenexa.

"No I don't think so he really needed the money Because he has been threatened and I could sense his desperation" she replied to her sister.

"If you say so, when is he coming to sign the documents" she asked now back to typing.

"Tomorrow, what are you doing ? You look so busy," she asked, noticing the way her sister was typing.

"Nothing serious, just doing a last touch on the presentation I have with another company tomorrow," she replied.

"That's ok I think we would talk later" she said so she won't disturb her sister.

"Ok, I love you bye" with that she ended the call.

She was extremely happy throughout the day while she called her lawyer to sex everything ready.

On Arrival at her office the next day she told her PA to allow Mr Humphrey in whenever he comes around after seeing that she had a light schedule today.

An hour later there was a Knock on her door and she already knew who was there.

" Mr Humphrey, nice to see you again" she said while she brought out the file.

"Miss Alexander, can't we do this another way?" he asked while looking at the paper.

"No we can't, can we get over this now Because I have somewhere to be soon" she watched him intently as he signed the papers and gave them back to her to sign hers.

"It is nice working with you. I will send the money to you immediately and will send your daughter home. The marriage will be in two weeks' time," he looked at her with anger very visible in his face.

As soon as he said his goodbye and departed she was really happy she called her sister and informed her after informing her she called Arden and asked him to send Katie home and make sure he dropped her at the front of her door.

After that she also called the people she worked with and told them they did good jobs in forcing him to pay them their money and also told her PA to make sure she had a light schedule for two months Because she would be extremely busy.

She could see the surprise on his face when he saw her smiling and in a happy mood.

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